Fly the Broomstick

Opportunities for Authors & Bloggers
Promote your Book or Write a Guest Post

Contact me, Linzé, and book your book feature or guest post soon!

What I need for your book to be Featured on my Blog
1. Your book's cover graphic (+/- 600x900 pixels) - attached to the email. (.jpg or .png file)
2. The synopsis
3. An excerpt or a story behind the story article from you - no more than 400 words
4. Buy links
5. Author picture - attachment to email (.jpg or .png file, 200x300 pixels)
6. Author bio - including your online links (limit to your best 4 please)

I would appreciate a follow on Twitter and Instagram - but that is not a requirement to be featured on my blog.

What I need from you as a Guest Blogger
1. Check my social media requests for the topic(s).
2. Email me with your idea or the post.
3. Post must be 400 to 500 words maximum.
4. If you include a graphic, please add the source for it. I will not use it without the proper reference to the source.
5. If you don't supply a graphic, I will pick an appropriate one from my collection (or the internet with proper reference) to add to the post.
6. Remember to add your own details. Even if you had posted or had a book featured before, I cannot keep everyone's info.
7. Author picture - attachment to email (.jpg or .png file, 200x300 pixels)
8. Author bio - including your online links (limit to your best 4 please)

What I do to promote your book/post
1. Four tweets are scheduled for the day of the feature. If you retweet, I will retweet too for at least a week thereafter.
2. The book feature will be shared on my Facebook author page - once. The posts will automatically be shared on Twitter.
3. The post is shared directly to my Goodreads profile - automatically.

Contact reminder to reserve your spot

The 100 day project Week 2 (Day 8 to Day 14)

Hello creative friend! How is your week going this week? Are your creative juices still flowing strong, or do you need some inspiration? I a...