Saturday, 16 March 2024

Theme reveal: My A-to-Z blog challenge 2024


It's been a while since I have taken part in the blog challenge. The problem is always coming up with new ideas so it isn't boring to me. This year I decided to change things up a bit, and it has the added benefit of blogging about something I will be doing this year: taking part in another art competition.

I took part in the AGAC (ARTi  Contemporary Art Gallery & Interiors) in 2023, and decided to take part again this year. Given the style and theme requirements of the competition, there is some significant planning involved in creating the artwork, at least for me. So why not use the blog challenge to share my process and some of the behind-the-scenes work involved in creating art for a competition.

This is going to be a lot of fun, I promise.

Oh, I forgot to mention that I won't be using the letters of the alphabet as a key, it will simply be a list of 26 items. Apologies if that is not according to the rules of the blog challenge, but hey, this my blog and I can do what I want, right? 😂

Until April!

🇿🇦💜 Linzé


  1. I look forward to seeing some of your art and I love the fact you are rebelling against the A-Z element lol

    1. LOL! Thank you, Debbie. You can also see some of my art on Instagram @LinzeBrandon.

  2. we'll figure out a way to make it work. See you next month!

  3. Stopping in to take a look at your theme and wish you a happy March and a wonderful April. Can't wait to read more during April! ♥

    1. Thank you for stopping by, Mystee. Looking forward to seeing you again! 💜

  4. I'd love to hear about your art process. I don't think anyone would notice a lack of alphabet if you didn't mention it.

    1. Thank you, Linda. Next time I won't mention it 😂

  5. Great theme choice for the A to Z challenge! Looking forward to the rest of your alphabet journey!
    My topic (here: ) may not have as much appeal for everyone, but I’m going to give it a try 🙂

    1. We each have our own journey, even when blogging. Thank you, for visiting mine, Hallie! 💜

  6. I know nothing of the behind-the-scenes art competition process (I know everyone will be different), so I'm interested in hearing how you prepare!

    1. I am making it up as I go along, Torie, but that's part of the fun of doing themed competitions. 😂 Thank you for visiting my blog!

  7. I look forward to seeing your artwork and process. We don't seem to have very many art blogs this year, so I'm glad someone's representing! I enjoy the alphabet theme, but I always change the dates and timing of posting for my challenge, so I'm certainly not going to complain about modifying the rules to fit your needs!

  8. Thank you, Anne. Definitely glad to hear I am not the only who likes to change things up a bit.

  9. All things art related will be up my alley. And you're right, it's your blog and you'll do it your way if you want to. In the past I have not had a theme and just "winged it" - this year I'm challenging myself to stay on theme - hahaha, like that's gonna happen. So, you do you! And have fun while doing it. See you in April.
    Cheers, Jenny at PEARSON REPORT

    1. Winging it sounds like a plan to me, especially when I stuck for a theme. Might do that next time! 😂 Thanks for stopping by, Jenny. Enjoy the challenge, however you decide to do it. 💜

  10. Fantastic theme you've chosen for the A to Z challenge! Can't wait to see what you have in store for the next letters of the alphabet.

  11. Thank you very much! I appreciate the kind comment 💜

  12. This sounds like a great theme. The main think is being excited enough about the topic to post daily. That is usually what keeps me out of the game.

    1. Hi Karen, I prepare and schedule my posts ahead of time. Then there is less pressure to post daily, especially since I will be taking part in Camp NaNoWriMo in April, to work on my next novel. Thank you for stopping by! 💜

  13. Time optimisation is always a good strategy ;-)

  14. Absolutely! Thank you for visiting my blog today 💜

  15. Fantastic theme reveal! I can't wait to explore your posts during the A to Z challenge in April. Wishing you all the best as you embark on this creative journey. Here’s a link to mine -

  16. Hi Salem, thank you for your kind comment. Enjoy the challenge!

  17. Blogging after a long time can be daunting, but I hope you will enjoy the challenge and continue your blog in the future. Thank you for stopping by!


Thank you for visiting my blog today. For more updates about the #CreativeLife, follow me on Twitter @LinzeBrandon, and remember to subscribe for more stories about the things that inspire me.

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