Wednesday 15 October 2014

Featured Book: Core of Confliction by Rachel E.B. Robinson

Charles is just a low level runner with his own small crew and one hot sunny day during their lunch break they witness a bizarre event in a strip mall. Curiosity leads to Charles being drawn to an alien planet by a vortex where he learns not only that he himself is the leader of a nearly destroyed race but that his boss on Earth is a ruthless alien ruler named Halfar who caused the destruction of his beloved planet, Lassa.
As Charles regains his core and his memories, he discovers more secrets connected to the planet’s demise and his relationship with Halfar. How can he deliver the vengeance on every Lassian’s mind but still keep his secrets hidden.
Halfar, the supreme ruler of a planet far beyond our solar system, is passing the time on Earth by taking over crime syndicates in the U.S. His ultimate secret lies with Charles and his crew. He would do anything to keep Charles…and has. When everything starts to be unveiled, Halfar must decide if completing his conquest of an unprepared Earth is worth his time.

Their secrets lie with each other and they must choose whether to reconcile their differences or remain enemies.

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Yakuza bosses were very stylish, Charles thought as the owner of the restaurant came out from behind a beaded curtain. His hair slicked back, secured in a tight ponytail, showed off his porcelain skin and distinct Asian features. The suit was an Armani, something Charles had a thing for and could identify on the spot. He felt a twinge of jealously.
“How much did that outfit set you back? I’m thinking of getting one next pay.”
Two of the young boys hit him from each side in the ribs. It took the air out of him and he slumped over, his forehead touching the filthy carpet. Addressing the boss directly was stupid but he never did have a filter when it came to authority. He found it amusing, their sense of superiority.
“What did you come here for, trash?” The owner was just as tall as his errand boys, towering over Charles and looking down on him with disgust.
“I just need to get a report to the Undersecretary but, you know…” Charles sat up and shrugged in defeat.
“No,” the owner cracked his knuckles, “I don’t.”
Charles realized his plan of gaining an audience with the owner of the restaurant in order to locate his source was more complicated than anticipated. Too many questions were not looked upon nicely. He prepared to receive his information with a bloody nose and a couple of bruised ribs. It was an expected outcome so he brushed it off and braced himself just as the owner plowed a fist into the side of his face. The owner asked him again and Charles gave a revised recount of the incident in the strip mall, leaving out transforming dogs and vortexes.
After giving Charles a brief reprieve from getting beaten, the owner nodded to his right hand man standing near the curtain. He disappeared for about two minutes which made Charles a little nervous about his chances of escaping. When the thug came back, he whispered into the owner’s ear.
“It seems you DO need to make a report, quickly.” He nodded to the man who scribbled something on a piece of paper and threw it down by Charles’ feet. “Get him out of here.” He turned and went back through the curtain, his thug in tow. Charles left by air as two of the younger boys stood at the entrance and tossed him out onto the sidewalk.

Author Bio
Rachel E.B. Robinson has had a passion for the written word since the age of seven, reading everything she could get her hands on which included encyclopedias and the thesaurus. At twelve, she had her first encounter with a Stephen King novel and was hooked. Rachel became inspired to write her own brand of fiction. Combining multiple genres is her way of keeping things interesting.
Always ready to learn new things, her search for knowledge never ceases. You will find her enrolled in someone’s college earning yet another degree. Rachel has an Accounting degree, went to Cosmetology school and studied Digital Film and Video. Her current stint is working towards an AAS in Business Entrepreneurship.
 She is a huge Anime fan, loves a great bottle of wine and rocks out to heavy metal music. Green and lush Oregon is where she currently resides spinning imaginary worlds in her head and daydreaming.

Connect with Rachel online:

Monday 13 October 2014

Guest Feature: The Demon Stone by Christopher Datta

Today I'm excited to bring you a Guest Post and Kind Fire Giveaway from Chris Datta. His first Novel Touched with Fire was a number one best-seller in the Historical Fiction category, and this supernatural thriller lives up to the high expectations readers have for this talented author.

The Demon Stone by Christoper Datta

The Demon Stone is a powerful supernatural thriller that leads you from the killing fields of Africa to the quiet Boundary Waters of Northern Minnesota. In braided narratives, Datta spins a terrifying story about the spiritual forces—both real and supernatural—that incite the basest, bloodiest and most frightening of human behaviors.
"Reading Chris Datta is like riding a rollercoaster. It’s a fast ride filled with twists and turns. His Demon Stone is scary fun. Stephen King, watch your back!"
-Richard Rashke, author of The Killing of Karen Silkwood
Amazon.comBarnes & Noble

Guest Post by Chris Datta

We’re coming up on Halloween and this is the book you need to read to get ready for the scare! But don’t take my word for it.
“Don’t read this one before you go to bed. And if you do, leave the lights on.”
—Hill Rag Magazine, Washington DC
The Demon Stone is a powerful supernatural thriller that leads you from the killing fields of Africa to the quiet Boundary Waters of Northern Minnesota. In braided narratives, I spin a terrifying story about the spiritual forces—both real and supernatural—that incite the basest, bloodiest and most frightening of human behaviors.
When Kevin volunteered to travel to a war-ravaged country in Africa to help out his childhood buddy, Bill, now a physician with Doctors Without Borders, he knew he might face danger. But he could not have envisioned the brief, nightmare encounter that would rob him of his friend, his principles, and quite possibly his sanity. When he returns to his family in the United States, he carries with him not only survivors’ guilt, but, according to a grizzled old juju man in the service of a warlord, a powerful demon.
Liz cannot understand why, precisely, she agreed to go camping with her old college friend Kevin and his sullen teenage daughter, but it was clear that in the wake of his sudden divorce and a horrific family tragedy, Kevin needed someone to lean on. The canoeing trip in the Boundary Waters was supposed to be an escape, an opportunity to bring back the old Kevin. But once in the forests, Kevin’s behavior grows increasingly off-kilter, and Liz feels a growing sense of unease, one that ripens into fear. As the trio glide further into the wilderness, it becomes clear that someone, or something, is stalking them.
I have been a civil conflict specialist with the U.S. State Department, last serving in the newly established embassy in South Sudan. In the course of a long and distinguished career, I have gone into places best known for genocide and bloody conflagration. This novel, which grows out of my experience in the field, is a provocative meditation on the nature of evil.


a Rafflecopter giveaway

About the Author

Chris1Debut author CHRISTOPHER DATTA is no stranger to civil conflict or the still-extant scourge of slavery. Most recently the acting ambassador to the Republic of South Sudan where he helped end a war in April of 2012, he has spent a distinguished career moving from one strife-torn country to another, including Lebanon, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, and Liberia. A lifelong student of the American Civil War, his research for Touched with Fire is exacting and based in part on a true story.

Friday 10 October 2014

Featured Book: Snowbound by Sarah Winter

Quarter-Finalist in the Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award Contest

Do you stick to what’s comfortable and familiar? Are you willing to take risks in the pursuit of your happiness? These are the questions that River Tennison and Liam Freeman must face, along with the dangers of a terrific blizzard that strikes western Wyoming.
River, a resourceful and smart housekeeper, has suffered a great deal of grief and loss in her life. She moved away from the city of Cody to the isolated Sleepy W Ranch, where she has flourished in her solitude. She’s even dating a man she’d be crazy not to settle down with, but still feels as if there’s something missing. Her life is simple, familiar and constant, but not what she had once dreamed.
Liam is a busy English actor who never takes a break to enjoy his own success. He takes a long-awaited trip into the harsh and historic land of Wyoming. A freak spring blizzard blows in just as he crosses the border from Montana and he’s forced to park his car on the highway in the middle of nowhere.
The storm drives Liam to make a choice between the safety of the car and the possibility of finding the Sleepy W, a choice that could cost him his life. Liam’s choice, and its consequences, will shake up River’s comfortable life and force her to make a difficult choice of her own.

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Liam Freeman and River Tennison have been cooped up in a cabin in rural Wyoming during a blizzard after his brush with death, and decide to try a game of 20 Questions to help pass the time. They've gotten through a few harmless questions when things start to get more serious.

"Can I get really personal?" he asked as she ran a basin full of water to clean up dishes. He got into position to dry.

"Sure," she said, "what's the fun in playing this game if you don't ask the horrible questions?"
"Alright, how many men have you had sex with?"
"Calm down, Satan! Wasn't expecting you to go for the jugular! Five."
She waited for a moment, scrubbing congealed cheese off his breakfast plate. "Screw it, you asked me, how many women have you been with?"
"Seven," he answered.
She nodded, the corners of her mouth pulling down briefly in consideration. "Respectable number, experienced but not slutty."
He smiled at her frank assessment. "Do you want me to kiss you again?"
The words flew out of his mouth before he could stop them. He turned, about to apologize for his stupidity, when she answered.
"Yes." She was still staring straight ahead and she tossed off her answer, trying to make it sound like no big deal. Like it was just another answer in the game. Her question came in the same tone, but her hands stilled beneath the water. "Do you want to kiss me again?"
Liam's throat constricted and he felt a rush of anticipation flowing in his veins like a shot of hard alcohol. His voice was husky when he answered, "Yes."
River was stock still as she processed this. He could feel tension rolling off her like a current. If he were to touch her now, he felt she would shatter. "Liam, I don't think that's a good idea. I don't want to play anymore. I'll finish these, you go on and get some rest."

Her voice shook and when she started at the plates again, he saw the tremor in her hands. He nodded and walked away, taking himself into the bedroom to try and tackle that book again. He closed the door behind him this time.

Author Bio
I'm Sarah Winter, contemporary romance author from Wyoming. I'm 30, married with two sons and the only pets to my name are salamanders that are as lazy as they are fascinating. I'm an easily-distracted boy-crazy introvert with chronic insomnia and a foul mouth. I think that sums me up pretty well, actually. Very succinct.

Connect with Sarah Online

Wednesday 8 October 2014

Featured Book: Miller's View by MW Potts

In the parish of Tangipahoa sits the small, quiet town of Hammond, Louisiana. Hammond isn’t a hot spot for crime—which is why Detective Jonathan Miller is shocked by his most recent case. Miller is young and well respected among his peers, but he also recognizes cold-blooded killing when he sees it. There are no clues, and the crime scene doesn’t make sense. He soon identifies the victim as twenty-seven-year-old Daniel Edwards. Once at Edwards’s apartment, Miller finds a perfectly ordinary item with extraordinary capabilities that might help him solve his case. As the investigation continues, Miller meets Callie St. Claire, the last person to see the victim alive. To his dismay, however, she is nowhere to be found and Miller is worried she might be victim number two. As the detective tries to make sense of his case, he uncovers secrets about Hammond he never could have seen coming, making this the most astonishing case of his career.
Buy Links  Signed Paperback    Abbott 
Author Bio
Born and raised in D.C., M.W. Potts is a wife and mother of three. She worked in both public and private schools and with the federal government. She spent 11 years homeschooling her daughters and other children. She is now a full time caregiver and author in Palm Bay, Florida. She has previously published “As I See It: A Young Woman’s Strange Obsession Confession”.

Follow Marlene online

Sunday 5 October 2014

Managing the Online Distractions: A guest post by author Kevin Morris

Linzé: It has been a while since we had a guest post about Time Management on the Broomstick, so it is my pleasure to welcome my online friend, Kevin Morris to the Broomstick today. His post is about that one thing that seem to drive us all to distraction, the internet. Thank you, Kevin!

I have happy childhood memories of browsing through books in the school library. On finding something of interest I would take a seat and read, undisturbed for hours. In those bygone days the only interruption likely to disturb my reading was the entry of a fellow pupil or teacher.
Kevin and his guide dog Trigger, being kept company
by their friend Brian
Today, as a writer I am faced by a myriad distractions. The beeping of texts arriving, the sound of another email landing in my inbox, all of these serve to distract me from my work. It is extremely tempting to respond to that text or check the email sitting unopened in my inbox.
To avoid wasting time by giving in to such distractions my mobile is turned off and email programs closed, all of which helps me to concentrate on the matter in hand, writing!
It is frequently remarked that the successful author needs to engage via social media with potential readers. This entails utilising blogs, Twitter and other forms of communication. I agree that blogging and other types of social media are a wonderful way of building up and cementing a following. However your blog or other communication tools can, if not kept in check become an end in themselves, rather than a means to an end. It is incredibly easy to spend hours blogging or reading other people’s blogs and before you know it half the day is gone with not a single word of that novel or short story having been written.
I confine blogging to specific times and my writing of fiction to a designated slot so as to avoid the above difficulties. I have seen it argued that writers should not use the internet while writing so as to avoid the distractions of the online world. I, personally do use Google while writing but only to ascertain the correct spelling of words, word definitions or other details of direct relevance to my writing. I don’t own a dictionary, consequently online works of reference are essential to me.
I work full time and write during the evenings or at weekends. On returning from work I am frequently tired, consequently the time spent writing is limited (balancing a full time occupation with being a writer is by no means easy)!

As I said at the beginning of this piece, the world of my boyhood offered far fewer distractions than today’s technologically advanced society. In some ways the past was, I feel sure an easier time to be a writer, free as it was of the distractions of mobiles, emails and other interruptions. However technology should be a servant rather
than a master. We can turn it off and in so doing greatly enhance our productivity both as writers and in other fields.

Author Bio
Kevin Morris was born and brought up in the city of Liverpool. Having obtained a BA in history and politics he went on to gain an MA in political theory.
Kevin has lived and worked in London since 1994. He has a full time job and writes during his spare time.  Kevin has produced 4 collections of short stories together with 1 longer work, Samantha.
Kevin shares his home in Crystal palace with Trigger, a lab/retriever guide dog. Being blind Kevin uses Jaws (software which converts text into speech and Braille) to write using a standard Windows 7 computer.

Connect with Kevin online
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Kevin’s Amazon US author page 
Kevin’s Amazon UK author page
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Friday 3 October 2014

Featured Book: The Eyes of Gold Rise by J Minerva Davis

The world of Szurane is halfly a comedic adventure, and halfly the commentary of the inanity of GM and tabletop experiences.  While Eyes of Gold itself is told as an endearing, first-person story through miscolored lenses, the setting itself was designed by the author over thirteen years ago and used as a ten year, custom setting and system. Follow the perspective of Rumea and her unfortunate band of miscreants on a fate-twisting adventure that includes everything from battles with demon kings to men in dresses. Rumea Donoma isn't a hero. In fact, she's globally received as an evil wizard. She isn't entirely sure how she's gathered this reputation, but she's pretty sure the journey she's on isn't going to help her get rid of it...

During its peak, Szurane had 300 users and the author, then-GM, J Minerva Davis saw crazy things in her days from players and ensured she served them their insanity back.  Eyes of Gold is a hilarious misadventure with characters designed as amalgams of recurring archetypes and re-tellings of favored campaigns, villains, and ten years of story-telling experience. On a core level, one doesn't have to be a gamer to appreciate the series.  You only need senses of humor and adventure. RISE is the first book in a promised trilogy to be released by Wolf Paw Publications.

Buy Links   Amazon  CreateSpace  Barnes & Noble  Signed Paperback 

“Dragons?” Serena furrowed her brow. Something was on her mind, but she didn’t seem to know how to speak it. “...When did the dragons go to war?”
“During the two great demon wars.” Minerva spoke up only marginally from her spot at the foot of the bed. Tentatively, tiredly, she took a seat. “The rubies only experienced one massacre. It sounded like you were recounting the southern battle during the first Demon’s War. That’s the last anybody heard about the Talons, at least.” She knew a surprising lot for a weak willed child.
I hiked my brow, but decided to reserve more personal questions for later. I stayed on topic. “How long ago was that?”
“Somewhere between four and five thousand years ago.”
I rubbed my forehead. “And how long do dragons live?” I was trying to will my headache away, but it wasn’t working.
That made her thoughtful.“I don’t know... I think the oldest dragon right now is almost four thousand years old, but Lord Genbu doesn’t deal with him. Says he has the crazies.”
At four thousand years, the eldest known dragon was senile. Then we had a Zento that was at least that old, if my vision and her data was correct. My head was swirling, and not just from the flashback. “Genbu would know if Zento was an elder dragon, right? They’re big holy-men and all.”
Minerva shrugged, head tucking beneath her shoulders. “Maybe.” I could tell that her information was dwindling, and she was quickly becoming nervous.
I had a nagging feeling things were about to get a lot more complex. “I think we need to have a talk with Zento.” I stood.
Minerva turned after me. “I don’t remember anyone named Zento, but... I do know one thing. The Ra’Alish were, among the sapphires, as the Krin are to Rubies. But... I thought they all got killed by the early Sanguinarian.”
Hand on the doorknob; I paused. “Ancients...” still, one thing concerned me. “So... how is it that the dragons keep getting wiped out? That’s not exactly an easy thing to do.” They were knights and messengers of the divine, creatures that lived thousands of years. Short of demon dukes, there wasn’t much a dragon had to worry about.
“...The Dragon Slayer.”
The door opened, and Zento stepped back in. The room went quiet, but he’d certainly heard a few words as he entered. 
He didn’t seem to take much notice.
“Oh! She’s awake. I don’t think you would have ever lived it down in the underworld if you died. Slayer of the demon duke, felled in a tower of toys.”
The entire room was staring at him. I narrowed my eyes. “Zento... we need to talk. And this time, you aren’t running away.”

Author Bio
J. Minerva Davis, born Janelle Marie Davis entered the world in Rancho Cucamonga, California.
Currently living in Texas, she has had her own odyssey in life at the fresh age of twenty-seven, having been at the highs and lows and writing poems in the walls of homeless resource centers. A domestic violence survivor, this mother of three has refused to relinquish the dream of her thirteen-year project. Eyes of Gold began as simple, mindless doodles in middle school and has evolved through many phases and faced destruction by her aggressor. Repeatedly rebuilding her pride and joy potential series, she feels each destruction has allowed a stronger and more refined rebirth as she battled into maturity.
She has many more projects at her fingertips, such as Godsblood which is under business planning by Jerry King after referral by producer-rapper 8ball; stay tuned for word on a potential TV or web series. Pre-release, her cult following (largely from her old gaming group) pushed her into the semi-finals of the United Indie Book Blog contest amidst 430 nominations.  She has been featured on the Raz n Dark Podcast, the TSRA hall of fame, and Literary Promotions. All this, with her first officially published book hitting the shelves on 17 September 2014.

Connect with Minerva online:

Thursday 2 October 2014

Creative Journaling - The Beginning

by Linzé

Welcome to my new weekly series on Creative Journaling!

Do you know how long people have been keeping journals? I have been keeping a journal from a young age, and while those have long since been relegated to ashes, I continue to keep up the practice as an adult.
But the journals we keep today are not exactly the same style as those from long ago. Modern day journals are more about personal thoughts and experiences, whereas those from the earliest days were not. They did include personal observations, but about the world around them, transactions people engaged in, and of the world during their travels. Their observations had been directed outside of themselves, if you will.
Today, or since the Renaissance to be more precise, our journal entries have been directed more inwardly. Of course, the world and its problems and joys impact on us, but our observations are no longer about being a pure observer. These historical journals have taught researchers a lot about that time.
So what will our journals today tell future generations about the people we are today?

So what makes creative journaling different from keeping the kind of journal we are all used to?
You know the kind where you pen your gripes and pains and frustrations with the world at large. Or slap yourself on the back for a job well done. You know that thing that you hide from everyone, because it has all your innermost thoughts and secrets, that are meant for your eyes only.
The answer is simple: nothing. There is no difference.
Whatever your reason for keeping a journal, whether it be for yourself, your children, or anyone who wishes to learn about your life experiences, the creative journal will not change that.
It enhances the experience for you as the writer, and your reader, if you are so inclined.
Creative journaling adds a visual dimension to the traditional journal. You might ask what the difference is to the doodling that have filled your journal pages in the past.
In the creative journal, those doodles are not time wasters, they become part of your entry of that day.
Artists have been using their skills to create their entries in a pure visual way, as it is the way they best express themselves.
Whether it be a pencil drawing of a person they met that day, or a watercolour miniture of a particularly beautiful sunset that touched them, the visual artist is the prime example of keeping a creative journal
To my mind, however, there can be so much more to either the artists’ way or the traditional way of keeping a journal.

I invite you to take this journey with me. A journey where we explore my take on keeping a creative journal.

A journal that can be used (and explored) by artists, crafters, writers and ordinary people alike.

Oh, by the way - if you subscribe to my mailing list you will get the practical handbook, that accompanies the Creative Journaling for Everyone book, for free when it is available in December. The handbook will not be made available otherwise.

Smashwords Summer/Winter sale - The Nations of Peace are on sale!

 The first seven Nations of Peace books are 50% off for the whole of July. Series link to the sale books Series link to the sale books