Wednesday 30 April 2014

AtoZ Blog Challenge: Z is for ZIRDA

You are the female lead in my novel Tiger Gold - The Strikemasters. Tell my readers a little about yourself.
Well, my name is Zirda Thanah and the story starts where I am a student studying graphic and industrial design, when my parents and my unborn brother were killed. They were murdered. If it hadn't been for my friends Denise, and Mr T I would have gone crazy. But they supported me through this difficult time.
I now work for a company, called Placing Boxes Design, where I am an aircraft and transporter interior designer. I love my job. The challenge of interpreting a client's vision for his transporters and then seeing them implemented is a very good feeling.
I don't have many friends, and Susan is my best friend and also my colleague. Mr T is a constant companion and presence in my mind, but someday I hope to meet him face-to-face.

How did you feel when you realised you were blind after the attack?
I was scared and confused since I couldn't remember what happened. My blindness baffled the physician since there was no damage to my eyes. I had a suspicion that it had to do with the fact that I couldn't remember the attack.

And for the rest of the story, you will have to wait until it's published :) 

Thank you for joining me on this A to Z Blog Challenge in April. I trust that you had learned a little more about me and I hope to see you again very soon!

All the best,

Tuesday 29 April 2014

AtoZ Blog Challenge: Y is for YOKE

Yoke and Yolk are Homophones. Words that sound the same but have different meanings. Instead of making a list or a lesson about homonyms, homographs, heteronyms, polysemes or capitonyms, why not a bit of tongue in cheek about some of these?

But if you want to learn more, you can click here :)

Enjoy the word play!

Monday 28 April 2014

AtoZ Blog Challenge: X is for XA'AN

Akan Village on planet Xa'an
Xa'an is the place where everything began. Where Géra and his best friend, Ta'an grew up and got into typical boy trouble on the Ville estate.
The forest bordering Akan where they met T'ara when she got lost as a child.
The place where they had formed friendships that would last a lifetime.
A planet when a young Elizabeth was convinced by her cousins, Géra and Stefan, that snakes were not dangerous at all. Only to find out much later that her abilities would always draw the reptiles to her, without any threat to her life.
On the outskirts of the city of Ikea where the cousins would ride horses and swim in the river and live the carefree existence of the young - uncaring and unknowing of the destinies that awaited them all.
Xa'an, a planet destined to produce a wise young Grandmaster - to live through wars, defended by powerful dragons and warrior magicians. A planet that saw, and will see, sacrifices so big, and love so true, that in itself it might just be enough to safeguard its future.

Pinterest Storyboard of  Keeper of the Dragon Sword

Saturday 26 April 2014

AtoZ Blog Challenge: W is for WORDS

They comprise of a group of symbols we call alphabet letters. We assemble them in a larger group, and call it a sentence. Then a collection of sentences become a paragraph. And so it grows until you have a short story or novel. An article or a memoir. So we speak, we write and text, with the singular form of code: we call them words.

So how many words are there in English?
And which word is the most recognisable word on the planet?

English is not my native language, so I am learning new ones almost every day. The newest addition to my vocabulary: escutcheons (Courtesy of The Cat Who Played Post Office by Lilian Jackson Braun)

Which is the most recent new word you have learned?

Friday 25 April 2014

AtoZ Blog Challenge: V is for VACILLATE

What is a mind if you cannot change it? A butcher. A baker. A candlestick maker? An engineer or an architect? With every character I write, I epitomize the very core of it. Today a construction worker, tomorrow a pilot. Am I constantly changing my mind? Of course I do.
Step into my office and take up the mantle and listen to the voices that are crying out - I am the creator of worlds, the destroyer of galaxies, the cupid of all the happily-ever-afters.
See me: the lover, the conqueror, the hero, the weaver of tales dark and desirable - I am the writer...and you better start running!

A-to-Z blog challenge: Step Z - it's finished!

Thank you for visiting my blog on the last day of the challenge. If you are an artist interested in taking part in a competition, there is s...