Wednesday 3 August 2011


As writers we have a fairly 'alone' kind of occupation, unless you collaborate with someone on a book. Not the realm of the still-waiting-to-be-published author. That being said, in my normal day job teamwork forms the essence of what I do as a project manager. It usually takes a crisis or a problem for that teamwork to be visible in its essential human context. I saw this today when a colleague received some really distressing news and how everyone just jumped in ... to get him out the door.
Not because we were nasty, quite the opposite. We understood his need to be with his sick parent, so we quickly sorted out the urgent things that needed to be done, while he could go and be where he should -- at the bedside of the patient.
That is the essence of people pulling together, putting differences and difficulties aside, to do what must be done -- getting the job out the door.

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