Sunday, 29 January 2012

Book Covers and Write-ins

Sometimes it is still hard to think that Géra's Gift is almost ready for publication. I am just waiting for the cover design to be finished (I had some minor comments) and then it can be printed. Not just literally of course, as it will be an eBook too, but the butterflies are breeding in my stomach.

While I cannot wait, writing life goes on. Yesterday, I joined a few writer friends for a writing session at my favourite coffee shop. Now I know what John Scalzi wrote about notebooks and coffee shops (and the jury is still out on that one), but we had a great time. One friend wrote more than 3000 words, the other two were busy editing their manuscripts. I had to fix my computer first (need to check it before the next session) but still managed about 2200 words in the six hours.

We do take breaks, and chat and drink coffee, but the objective to write together seems to be working well. And the next session is hopefully going to be another great success. By that time I might claim to be published, and my friends might already be well on their way to saying the same thing.

This year has started on a very good note for the first Random House-Struik Writers Group of 2011.

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