Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Hats off to the Reviewers

Even before I tried my hand at writing a book, I have been a reader. I love books, and ever since I have mastered the skill of reading, it has become a pleasure that I will keep indulging in.
I am sure you can relate when I say that there are writers that I love and cannot wait for their next book, and then there have also been instances where I have been disappointed. Though not many, I am glad to say.
This past month or two I have had the pleasure to read and review a few books. I don't know what other people do, but it took a long time for me to read every book not just scan through it. Much longer than I had anticipated, given the fact that I am on a deadline to finish the editing of my second novel.
So this is my thanks to the readers who go so far as to post reviews for the books they have read. It takes time to read a book and then write a review. Time that you probably could have spend somewhere else, doing something else. And yet, you didn't.
As indie authors we love the feedback and, while you probably drink as much coffee reading as we do when writing, we promise to keep writing even more books that you can enjoy for years to come.

1 comment:

  1. I absolutely agree. Hat's off to all reviwewers for taking the time to read and comment!


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