Monday, 1 April 2013

Blooming Love Blog Hop 1-15 April

Thank you for visiting the Broomstick. To show my appreciation I am giving away one of my short stories, called PERFECT. Please use the code MA79D and download yourself a copy from Smashwords. You also post a review for it on Goodreads or cast your vote in the sci-fi/fantasy category here.

Leave a comment to say hi,...and then hop onto the next blog taking part. But keep in touch by following and you will be surprised at the happenings at the Broomstick in April!
Enjoy the story!

And to hop along ....


  1. Replies
    1. Hi Filia, thank you for stopping by. Hope you have a good week :)

  2. Oooo, that teaser about surprise happenings in April hooked me!! I signed up to receive your emails;) Also, thanks for the free short story!!

    1. Hi Cindi, thank you for stopping by and following! Hope you enjoy the story, Linzé

  3. Hello! I look forward to reading Perfect. Thank you for sharing that with us! I will be sure to leave a review after I finish :) I am a new follower on GFC and would love if you came and stopped by my book review blog (I also post about life in general) if you are at all interested. So happy to be welcoming Spring! Best to you,

    Sarah @

    1. Hi Sarah, thanks for your download - and volunteering for a review, I appreciate it. Will check out your blog too, have a good weekend! Linzé


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