Thursday, 16 May 2013

Groups for Writers - A Positive Experience?

As many of you share my passion for books and writing, you will probably belong to either a book club for readers or a writers group. And some of these may be online, such as Facebook or Goodreads groups. But do you belong to a group where you meet and discuss books or writing challenges face-to-face?

I am very fortunate to belong to both kinds of groups and both of them bring something to my writing that I would otherwise not have had. Writing is not a social business, in fact as writers we spend more time interacting with computer keyboards, than we do with other people.

Whether the group meets on Facebook or at my favourite coffee shop, I have learned many things for which I am grateful. Of course, the success of either type of group depends on the people who take part and as in real life there are active and passive members in a group.

I have been privileged to join a group on Google+ where I have met people that I truly feel are supportive of each other and I can now claim to consider friends.

Please come back tomorrow for a guest post from one such friend, and share with us what your experiences are with online and face-to-face writers groups.

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