Sunday, 4 August 2013

Coffee, Trains and Statues

We needed more coffee at home, so Francois (alias Hubby) and I hopped onto the Gautrain this morning to Sandton as it is our closest mall to get hold of the brew we prefer.
But first we had to get breakfast! As always the restaurants on the Nelson Mandela Square were quickly filling up with locals and tourists (heard quite a few foreign accents this morning) in search of something to fill the stomach.
It was not our first visit to Sandton, and it never seizes to amaze me how many people take photographs of their friends or family members next to the statue of Nelson Mandela.
This morning I dug out my Samsung S3 (having recently discovered its panoramic setting) and took this 180 degree view of the Square from left to right with the statue in the middle. I was even impressed with the way the camera handled the light changing from sunlight to shade.
We got our breakfast, bought the coffee and made our way home just as the lunch crowds were pouring into Sandton. It was a lovely outing, and one we will do again soon!

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