Tuesday, 22 October 2013

Books-A-Fire: An e-Book Promotion to Fit Everyone's Pocket

The Books-a-Fire authors are back with more fabulous deals and NEW books to buy. There are no gimmicks or hoops to jump, just incredible prices on every single book.
Just point, click, and buy books in every genre for just 99 cents each.  
YES!  All books on the page are priced at 99 cents to make your shopping easy and affordable. For less than the price of a dinner out, you could buy every single book on the page.
To make it really easy, we've also created categories.  Click your favorite category at the top of the page and see all the books that are on sale in that category. 
Load your Kindle and enjoy a quiet read now that the kids are back in school. You've had a hectic summer so treat yourself to a good book today! 

►  Go to www.booksafire.com 

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