Monday, 17 November 2014

Featured Book: My Girl by John W. Howell

San Francisco lawyer John J. Cannon who is burned out on lawyer work decides to take a leave of absence from the firm to start a fishing charter business. He returns to a small fishing village on the Texas coast, buys a boat he names MY GRL and is unaware the boat has been targeted by a terrorist group to be used to destroy a symbol of America's greatness. John's first inkling of a problem is when he wakes in the hospital and learns he was found unconscious next to the body of the attractive young woman who sold him the boat in the first place. John is the only one who is aware of the terrorist plan and stands alone between them and the success of their mission.

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Background to the Book
I always wanted to write. I tried to write a book while I was working and once it was finished, I printed it off so that I could edit it while traveling. It was a weighty tome and unfortunately it stunk. Today it is useful holding the laundry room door open. I decided to wait until I could devote myself full-time to writing. My last child graduated from college in December of 2011 and I retired in April 2012
Since that time, I have been writing non-stop and have published the fiction thriller titled My GRL. 
The inspiration for the story came as my sister and I were touring the aircraft carrier Lexington.  Our dad was a naval aviator and served on the Lexington. She is now berthed in Corpus Christi near my home on Mustang Island. Upon touring the massive vessel, we made our way to the flight deck.  Thinking as we stood on the impressive deck that this boat had no protection from anyone who would want to destroy her. This thought led me to develop a plan to first of all develop a logical plan to destroy the Lexington. The next task was to work out an equally logical plan to prevent such destruction. The story naturally flowed from there but with a number of twists and turns..
Once finished, I began to query agents to see if I could find representation. Of the few that answered my query all said my story wasn’t in the scope of what they were working on. I then did some research of publishers who would accept un-agented work and start the query process again. The first query found a favorable response at Martin Sister’s Publishing and we signed a contract in March of 2013. It took until December for the paper edition to be published and the kindle version in January of 2014. The sequel has been sent to the publisher and is awaiting a publish date. The final book of the trilogy is about half way finished and should be complete by December.

About the Author
John's main interests are reading and writing. He turned to writing as a full-time occupation after an extensive career in business. John writes thriller fiction novels and has a number of short stories published in various on-line magazines. One of his short stories has been recognized by Writers Digest in the Popular Fiction Writing contest. His novel, My GRL published by Martin Sisters Publishing and is the first of three exciting adventures of the book's central character John J. Cannon.
John lives on Mustang Island in the Gulf of Mexico off the coast of south Texas with his wife and their spoiled rescue pets.

Connect with John online:

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