Sunday, 26 June 2016

Linzé's Mischief: 26 June 2016

Art weekend did not turn out quite the way I planned. Firstly, I underestimated the amount of time I would have available - way too much laundry. Another factor that I didn't anticipate is the paper I chose for the project. I don't think it is quite the quality I need - the dust from the pastels keep sticking to the paper, making it difficult to remove without messing with the painting itself.
I wanted to do the entire painting with pan pastels, but the yellow in the set is the wrong tone, and the set does not contain white to blend with the yellow. I am reluctant to blend it with another pastel, since the texture of the pastels are not the same.
I did manage to make some progress, but there is much more to do before the project will be finished.
With the excitement of the feedback I have been getting from the editor of my non-fiction book, I completely forgot to post Chapter 2 of The Billionaire Baritone last week. *facepalm*
To make up for my inattention, I have already scheduled two chapters for the coming week. Chapter 2 will be live tomorrow, and Chapter 3 on Thursday as planned.
Hopefully, things will be back on track for the coming weeks.
Preliminary Book Cover Design
July introduces another Camp NaNoWriMo and I have already done the necessary planning for a new cozy mystery series - Tai Chi Mysteries - with Li-Ana Baker as the sleuth who has to apply her wits to help her assistant stay out of jail in the first book.
I will finish the Nations of Peace fantasy romance series (there are several more books to come) before adding another spin-off from that in a new series. Since it will be a while before that happens, I am keeping the rabbit in the hat.

I have two vampires calling my name to finish their story, so I will love and leave you until next time.


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