Today's word is well-known to the NaNoWriMo community. When uploading a novel the website to verify the word count, obfuscation of the text may be used to prevent anyone else seeing what you wrote (even though the text is not saved on the website). And if you're not familiar with this technique, I will demonstrate with a simple sentence.
Sample sentence: I love my sketchbook and pencil.
Obfuscated text: o oooo oo oooooooooo ooo oooooo.
The text is then hidden away by replacing every letter with the letter O (or any other letter of the alphabet). The word counting software will then count the words because with NaNoWriMo it is not about the contents, but about the number of words.
Keep writing!
... could we just, um, write like "o oooo ooo" to start with? - Erin (