Monday, 15 March 2021

The #CreativeLife 2021 - review of week 10

This week I will share a little more boring(?) detail of my creative life. So here goes:

On Monday I went for tax training. But while the lovely lady explaining stuff to me went to ask someone else the answer to a question I had, I realised that I simply did not have the time to do the monthly tax calculations for my company. So I decided to let my auditors carry on with the task and just send me the invoice. I know that I can do the work, but I also know that my diverting my focus, is not the best thing for my business. I am an engineer, and I am happy to leave the fax stuff to the experts.

I have to renew my driver's license. Yeah, that pain the butt rolls around every 5 years in this country. So on Tuesday, I had an appointment to have my eye test to get the certificate to say that I can still see properly. Hmmm.

Then the struggle started to get the appointment for the renewal process. I wasted a lot of time on that on Wednesday. Will try again this week.

On Thursday my daily planning shifted because of loadshedding. Yeah, our power supply utility still doesn't know how to keep the lights on reliably. At least we have an app that does help with dealing with this situation to some degree. At the current status, this app will be the most used in the country until Wednesday (we hope!).

Friday was mostly work stuff. And another Netflix series binge started the weekend, ending on Sunday morning just before lunch. This time it had 48 episodes of 45 minutes each. I am nuts, I know, but at least I am getting a few hours of sleep and am not completely useless otherwise.

I finished my leprechaun junk journal page (art group project) and drew a Colonial Viper for the #inktober52 prompt due this week.

So the goal this week is to finish drawing the seashells for the first challenge of the South African Drawing Guild and write a post or two for the #atozchallenge coming in April.

Stay healthy, live creatively and I will see you again on Thursday.

︙ Linzé  💚💚

One month in...Goals and 2025 so far

To follow some kind of structure, and I have decided to use my first post of 2025 as a guide, then I can see how I am doing compared to the ...