Friday, 7 April 2023

The CreativeLife in review - books, paintings, and living with pain

Hello Creative friend!

I wrote this post over several days.

Did March really go by that fast? It was like here and then gone before I could blink. I did get a lot done, I have to say and perhaps that is the reason I didn't notice the date change. Work is slow, and that is a bit of a concern, but I do have some things to test this week, so things could be picking up again.

I cleaned my gouache palette 😂

April is difficult because we have 3 short weeks in the month. For most people that is great, and it used to be for me as well when I was employed full-time. Since changing to self-employment, fewer workdays in a month can be difficult - this month it will be, as this year has been so far.

You may have seen the Blog Challenge logo here on my blog, but I had a change of heart. Sometimes it is necessary to decide where you have to spend your time, and prioritise that before what you think you can fit in. Since making that decision, I stopped worrying about it and focused my writing energy on a novel I am trying to finish. To help keep me motivated, I am taking part in Camp NaNoWriMo.

Past experiences have shown me that the writing challenge is useful to help me finish a book; at least the first draft of it anyway. At 79k words, I am close but there is something about to happen in the story that might push it over 100k. Because it is a novel in my fantasy series, the word count does not bother me. It will bother my pocket when it comes to editing time, but that is a problem for later. Right now my priority is to get the book finished.

Today is Good Friday, and the end of an eventful week. I hope you are enjoying a Blessed Easter.

For the past few weeks my right shoulder have been acting up a bit. Not painful exactly, but more a sensation of discomfort when I moved it. I don't know what caused it, or perhaps I forgot. On Wednesday morning I woke up with such excruciation pain in my shoulder that I could barely move my arm. Yes, that was a surprise - and not a good one.

One of the SBR2023 ink and
wash paintings I made
Since I could move my hand ie, no difficulties below the elbow, and could at least finish the report I had to write for work and managed the words I had planned for Camp NaNoWriMo. I just had to take it really easy I thought. But it was not enough.
One of the SBR2023 ink and
wash paintings I made

After a sleepless night, and a potent painkiller, yesterday morning started with my husband having to help me get dressed. He leaves for work at 5am, so it was an early start for me too, but it couldn't be helped. Yes, I hated that because it made me feel like a child. But pain is a horrible thing on the best of days, right? 

I made an appointment to see my doctor, but he was only available in the afternoon. There was some work to do, but I decided to go out for breakfast mostly because I was a bit too lazy (and in too much pain) make it myself. My local Wimpy is close to my home, but the drive told me that my shoulder didn't like the trip. Driving really hurt, even though I took care as best I could.

While enjoying my breakfast, my doctor's receptionist called to move my appointment earlier. I was grateful to accept the option. Two hours later I had a cortisone injection, and prescription for potent anti-inflammatories to take for a week. My shoulder it would seem was badly inflamed.

My Podcast listening this week ArtJuice:

This morning there was no pain, amazing, so after a lovely breakfast with Hubs and my father-in-law, I decided to work on some of the paintings for the exhibition. It was fun to push texture paste around with a palette knife. Since I practically plastered the stuff it will take a day or so before I can paint the textured sections.

I am taking it easy the rest of today, even though my shoulder might feel better I don't think for a moment that it is healed yet.

And on that note I think it an appropriate ending to this post.

Wishing you a creative week!


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