Showing posts with label blog serial. Show all posts
Showing posts with label blog serial. Show all posts

Thursday, 20 October 2016


The Billionaire Baritone, blog serial, Linzé Brandon, sweet romanceAmethyst loves music and enjoys hip-hop dancing to spice up her dull and dreary life. But one evening on her way home from dance class, she hears a voice that drew her away from her route.
Caught in the act of eavesdropping, her life is about to change in a way she has never foreseen.

David didn't quite know what to do with the beautiful trespasser, but when he learned that she was injured, taking care of her was the only solution.

Little did he suspect that she was about to take care of his lonely heart in return.


When they eventually came up for air, Jeff and Phyllis were openly smiling.
David smiled too. He couldn't do anything else.
“There is one more thing, and you are entitled to say no this time, and I won't push you.”
“Sounds serious,” Amethyst replied.
“The Morecroft Foundation hosts an annual Christmas charity event to collect money for children to learn and study music at school. Jeff and Mother have been after me for years to sing with them, but I have refused—”
“Because you don't sing duets with people,” she finished for him.
“Yes. But I will sing if you will sing with me.”
Her eyes widened. She looked from one son to the next to the mother, biting her lip with tears in her eyes.
“Will you sing with me, my heart?”
Her tears told him she knew how much this meant to him. “I will. For you, I will. May I ask—”
“Name it,” David interrupted, making her smile at his eagerness.
“Can we add dance to the list for the kids to study? I love dancing, but it was always too expensive for private classes—”
The kiss told her everything she needed to know.

Three weeks later.

“Do I look okay?”
Phyllis stood next to her soon-to-be daughter-in-law. “You look beautiful. My son is going to swallow his tongue when he sees you.”
The two women giggled at the thought of the dynamic CEO of the Morecroft Corporation being speechless.
A knock on the door reminded them that it was time to go.
The women shared a quick hug before leaving the dressing room. They were met by Jeff and David and true enough, her fiancé was speechless when he saw her.
Amethyst felt beautiful when he looked at her. The lilac gown with its silver beading had been his choice. The silver heels and the strings of small beads the hairdresser had woven into her long hair were the perfect items to complete her outfit. The only other thing she wore was the engagement ring of diamonds and amethysts on her left hand.
She often looked at it and pinched herself until she looked into his eyes, then she knew it wasn't a dream.
Phyllis winked at her and took Jeff's arm as David escorted her to the stage to loud applause.
Sure enough, the press had been scathing about her background, but she kept her head high and her back stiff when they were approached in public.
When the applause died down, Jeff sat down at the piano and played the introduction to Jingle Bells.
When David took her hand and opened his mouth, she forgot about the press and the people attending the event. She looked at her husband-to-be and sang with him, for him.
By the time the last notes of Silent Night faded into the theater, people were on their feet applauding with a deafening noise.
David lifted her hand to his lips. “I love you.”
She cupped his cheek with her right hand, healed but still a little stiff. “And I will sing duets of the heart with you forever.”

The End.

You can read the entire story on Wattpad

Thank you for reading Amethyst and David's story.
I hope you enjoyed it.
💜  Linzé

Thursday, 13 October 2016


Amethyst loves music and enjoys hip-hop dancing to spice up her dull and dreary life. But one evening on her way home from dance class, she hears a voice that drew her away from her route.
Caught in the act of eavesdropping, her life is about to change in a way she has never foreseen.

David didn't quite know what to do with the beautiful trespasser, but when he learned that she was injured, taking care of her was the only solution.

Little did he suspect that she was about to take care of his lonely heart in return.


I counted on my fingers. “I am not smart, or beautiful like your other girlfriends. Hell, I fall over my own feet for no reason. I swear. I am penniless. I didn't finish high you want more?”
Then David sat down next to me and muddled my reasoning again when he kissed my hand before holding it between his. “You're beautiful, more so than those empty headed women, I used to hang out with. And no one blames you for your circumstances; you did the best you could. You can finish high school and study anything you want, which I know you can do. If you insist, you can work. And," he mock-glared at me when I opened my mouth, "I think it's cute when you say 'hell'.”
I groaned his name. “Aren't you listening?! I don't fit in your world. People will say I am a gold digger and laugh at you behind your back. Maybe I am a gold digger out to catch a rich husband.”
The next moment I find myself on his lap. "What are you doing?"
He chose to ignore me. “I am listening much better than you think. I know you are not a gold digger. You are too independent for me to believe that for one moment, your financial status notwithstanding. Secondly, your concern for your colleagues and the people at my factory told me more about the kind of woman you are than any private investigator could.”
My heart sank. “I suppose I cannot blame you for getting a PI to investigate me. I would have done the same to protect my family against someone like me.”
I wanted to leave, but he held on tight. “Someone like you? Explain.”
I shrugged. “You know. Poor. Unsophisticated. Born on the wrong side of the tracks.”
It was his turn to frown, and yet he didn't let go of me. Didn't he hear anything I said?
“You like my mother don't you?”
I nodded. “Sure, I think she's great. What does she have to do with anything?”
“A lot more than you think. She came from nothing too. She married my dad for love, and they made the rest work. Did people gossip and say all kinds of terrible things? Yes, they did, but they didn't let that stop them from being together. In fact, they chose to befriend people who didn't care about those things either and were the better for it.”
I sighed. What was there left to say? He had answers for everything it seemed.
“You're sure you don't mind?”
He lifted his hand, palm towards me. “I solemnly promise that I love you and that I don't care about all the other things. We can make it work if you want. Do you want to marry me?”
I swallowed hard. Could this be happening? I put my trembling hand against his. “I solemnly promise that I love you and that I will marry you and will try my best to be a good wife.”
His laughter made me smile until he pulled me tightly against him. I forgot everything when he kissed me.
David pulled back and sighed aloud. “Can't we get a little privacy in this house?”
It was my turn to laugh. Who cared about the intrusion when I held the heart of the man whom I loved with the whole of mine? I lost my breath when he kissed me again.

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Thursday, 6 October 2016


The Billionaire Baritone, blog serial, Linzé Brandon, sweet romance
Amethyst loves music and enjoys hip-hop dancing to spice up her dull and dreary life. But one evening on her way home from dance class, she hears a voice that drew her away from her route.
Caught in the act of eavesdropping, her life is about to change in a way she has never foreseen.

David didn't quite know what to do with the beautiful trespasser, but when he learned that she was injured, taking care of her was the only solution.
Little did he suspect that she was about to take care of his lonely heart in return.


His hand was warm and distracting. And confusing to my head which had to be clear right now. I could feel the frown showing my confusion and pulled I my hand away. “You mean I still have a job?”
David frowned in return. “Why wouldn't you?”
“Mr. Henry is not a nice man. He managed to fire some people in the past even when they did nothing wrong.”
That earned me a few raised eyebrows, but I had a more pressing concern. “Am I still getting paid, or do I need to find another job?” I looked down at my hands. The bandage and splint a reminder that my stay here would soon be over.  “I cannot afford not to have a job.”
“Okay, let's backtrack a few steps here. What did you mean he fired people when they did nothing wrong? There are laws against such things.”
I glared at David. “You cannot be serious! How can someone like me get a lawyer, let alone pay him, to fight a company for unlawful dismissal? Get real.”
My stomach suddenly rolled at the smell of freshly brewed coffee and perfectly toasted bread. I got to my feet instead. “I am not hungry.”

*  *  *

Jeff nudged his brother. “Go after her.”
“Why? I cannot force her to eat.”
Jeff rolled his eyes. “Idiot. She needs you to understand her position. You are in love with her, and you need to convince her to stay.”
“We want her to stay,” Phyllis added.
David's jaw dropped. “I am not in love with her.”
Jeff slapped his shoulder. “Yes, you are. Mom and I can both see that, so stop arguing with the truth and go get her. Now!”
Frowning, he got up. “Am I in love?”
“Yes!” the reply came in duplicate.
Shaking his head left the room. Was he in love with Amethyst? Even now his heart ached for the difficult position she could find herself in. 
In the hall he stopped, not sure where she went. She was mobile and could be anywhere on the estate.
He spotted the housekeeper in the entrance hall checking the fresh flowers in the tall floor-standing vase.
“Excuse me, Mrs. Neethling, did you see which way Amethyst went?”
“If I am not mistaken, she went to the kitchen.”
Thanking her he ran to the kitchen, startling the chef and one of the maids, and then out the back door without pause.
There were only a few places she could go from here. He doubted she had a hankering for the vegetable garden or the greenhouse. The only alternative left was the theater his dad had built for his two boys to sing and play the piano.
He found her just inside the fence where they met that first night. She was sitting on the ground staring into the street outside.
“May I join you?”
She shrugged and kept looking away.
“Do you really want to leave that badly? Does your job mean so much to you?”
Her shoulders moved again, but she didn't reply.
“Amethyst, please look at me.”
“I can't,” she whispered.
He smiled. “I used to say that to my mother when she asked me why I didn't want to sing duets with the other kids.”
She turned to look at him. There were tears on her cheeks. She quickly tried to wipe them. “Why didn't you want to sing duets?”
He reached up and wiped the tears away. “Because I didn't want to sing with someone who didn't understand that music was not just about the right notes and harmonies.”
“It had to come from the heart,” she whispered.
“Yes. I want you to sing a duet with me. Not just on a stage, but at night when we are alone, and no one else can hear us.”
She blinked her blue eyes wide with the same hope warming his heart. “Why me? I am nothing special. Just someone you felt sorry for.”
He shifted and brought her into his arms. “Maybe in the beginning. Maybe for about five minutes. But after that? I just wanted to be with you. It was hard not touching you, kissing you. It still is. Because I am in love with you. I want you—”
She gasped. “You're in love with me?”
He smiled and nodded. “Yes.”
She threw both arms around his neck. “I don't want to leave. I thought you were sorry for me. I don't want you to be sorry for me.”
He pulled back a little to look into her eyes. “Do you think you could love me? I know I am not a people person, but I could learn.”
She touched his cheek. “I don't have to think about it. I love you. I think I fell for you that first time you picked me up in your arms.”
He didn't give her another moment to explain. Sealing his lips to hers, he tightened his arms around her. Yes! his heart told his head. Never had anything felt so right than holding Amethyst in his arms.
Amethyst moaned softly when he touched her lips with his tongue requesting her full participation. He didn't just love, she gave love in return.
It was his turn to moan when she surrendered to their kiss.
“I think we should leave.”
They broke apart at the whispered voice.
She giggled at David's exasperated voice.
“You could have left without saying anything.”
Jeff grinned. “I could, but then you would have killed me when you saw your picture in the tabloids tomorrow.”
David groaned. He got up and helped her to her feet. “Sheesh, can't a man not even propose in private?”
Amethyst froze while Jeff's grin grew by leaps and bounds.
“Propose?” she croaked.
Jeff slapped his brother on the back. “I think you should take this inside before the press realise how close to the fence you are.”
When they heard sounds like running feet, they ran themselves. Amethyst managed without stumbling or adding to her injury.
Inside the house, she planted her hands on her hips, wincing when the splint dug into her flesh through the light pants she wore.
“Are you okay?”
She glared back. “Don't change the subject.”
David bit his lip to keep from laughing. In pleasure. Their first fight. Women wanted to please him. Amethyst didn't seem to have that problem. She was perfect for him.
The matchmaker, Jeff, seemed to have miraculously disappeared, the bastard.
She folded her arms and frowned at him. “You can't marry me.”
“Why not? It is the next logical step once we now agree that we love each other.”
“For other people, maybe. But we can't.”
He took her head between gentle hands and made her look at him. “Again. Why not?”
She pulled his hands away and sat down on the stairs. “Why not?”

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Thursday, 29 September 2016


The Billionaire Baritone, blog serial, Linzé Brandon, sweet romance
Amethyst loves music and enjoys hip-hop dancing to spice up her dull and dreary life. But one evening on her way home from dance class, she hears a voice that drew her away from her route.

Caught in the act of eavesdropping, her life is about to change in a way she has never foreseen.

David didn't quite know what to do with the beautiful trespasser, but when he learned that she was injured, taking care of her was the only solution.

Little did he suspect that she was about to take care of his lonely heart in return.


The next few days were busy for both men, but they still found time to visit Amethyst. Her hand was healing, and the bruises on her body, according to Phyllis, were almost gone too.
The better he got to know her, the more David decided that he liked her.
"I should go home," she said one evening as he helped her back upstairs after dinner.
He could slap himself for being curt, but dammit, he wasn't ready to let her go. Not yet.
She stopped and frowned at him. "Why not?"
He no longer thought of her as someone that needed their help. In fact, all he could think of was the softness of her skin and the way her eyes lit up when she smiled.
She gained some weight under Phyllis' feeding regime, and it only served to make her more beautiful.
Instead of answering her, he asked another question. "Do you ever look the mirror?"
Her frown deepened, and she poked him in the arm with her good hand. "What are you talking about?"
"You're beautiful," the words popped out of his mouth. The delightful blush that coloured her cheeks made him grin with satisfaction.
She rolled her eyes and started walking again. "I am going to ignore you. Goodnight."

It was Thursday, and Jeff had the night off. They decided to spend the evening at home.
Assembled in the music room, Jeff sat at the piano playing all kinds of silly songs and laughed with the rest of them when they got the words wrong.
Phyllis and Amethyst picked the songs and made the men sing them. Since both were focused on classical music, it was highly entertaining to hear their versions of the popular songs.
Able to stand and walk on her own, Amethyst wiped her face of the tears; she was laughing so hard.
“I had not yet heard Lara's Theme with those words,” she giggled.
At the end of the song, they decided to take a break and have coffee.
“I have good news,” David said once they were settled on the couches.
Everyone looked at him in expectation.
“We managed to find a job for every single person in the factory.”
“That's wonderful!”
“Good job!”
“Excellent news, indeed,” Phyllis rounded up the replies. “What about the ones that were arrested? Have the police found the mastermind yet?”
“No, not yet.”
Amethyst touched his arm. “They will.”
He smiled at her optimism, although he wasn't convinced.
Jeff put his empty mug in the tray and slapped his hands together. “Okay. Who is up for some Christmas songs?”
They all groaned but got to their feet anyway.
Assembled around the piano once more, the singing was so much better, since everyone knew the words.
At one point Phyllis winked at Jeff. They were in silent agreement about David and Amethyst.

*  *  *

On Saturday morning, I managed the stairs by myself. It was just over a week since I fell. My foot was fine, and now it was time for me to leave. If I could walk, I could go home and find myself another job. The Morecrofts had been kind, but I couldn't be a parasite any longer.
I also missed my friends. I didn't have a close friend, but the people from my class were the closest I had to a family. They would be wondering what happened to me since I have never missed a class before. It might be a while before I could dance again, but that didn't mean I couldn't hang out with them.
“Good morning,” I greeted my hosts upon entering the breakfast room. It was my favourite room in the house, after the music room. It was small and cozy, and not so intimidating as the formal dining room.
Three somber faces replied. That was not good. I froze in my tracks. “What's wrong?”
Both men got up, and Jeff pulled out a chair for me, also something that reminded me of the chasm between us. In my world, men didn't do things like that without wanting something in return. Jeff never looked at me with anything except friendship.
Then there was David.  I knew the look in his eyes, and yet he didn't act upon it. I had too much self-respect, but sometimes I wished that I could ignore that voice in my head.

David took my hand. “We have some bad news.”
My throat closed up. I just knew this was going to be bad. “About?”
“Your boss was fired yesterday, and his whole department was put on suspension pending an investigation into allegations of theft and fraud.”

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Thursday, 22 September 2016


The Billionaire Baritone, blog serial, Linzé Brandon, sweet romance
Amethyst loves music and enjoys hip-hop dancing to spice up her dull and dreary life. But one evening on her way home from dance class, she hears a voice that drew her away from her route.
Caught in the act of eavesdropping, her life is about to change in a way she has never foreseen.

David didn't quite know what to do with the beautiful trespasser, but when he learned that she was injured, taking care of her was the only solution.
Little did he suspect that she was about to take care of his lonely heart in return.


Hearing her cry out, did David pushed open the door and rushed forward when he saw her falling backward arms flailing.
Visions of her hitting her head gave him extra speed, and he grabbed her shirt. Right between her breasts.
He reached out to take her healthy hand and pulled her back into position.
It was hard to ignore the soft mounds rubbing his hand through the soft fabric, but he forced himself to let go.
“What are you doing?”
Her eyes were huge as they looked at him. “You saved me.”
His lips quirked a little. “It would seem that way. Are you okay? What are you doing in here?”
He stopped and looked at the toilet when he felt heat creep up his neck. Idiot.
She put her hand on his arm. “I wanted to take some of the painkillers the doctors prescribed, and I couldn't figure out which ones in the dark, so I came in here.”
“Grab the bag,” he said suddenly and lifted her up into his arms.
“Wait, the pills...”
They both looked at two green discs lying at the bottom of the bathtub, dissolving in a patch of water.
“You can take out two more.”
With her back in the bed, he reached out to switch on the bedside lamp. She took out two more tablets while he poured water into the glass.
“Why didn't you ask for help?”
She glanced at the chair he had been sleeping in. “You were tired, and I didn't want to bother you.”
He watched her swallow the tablets before helping her get comfortable again. “Next time just wake me, okay?”
She bit her lip and nodded.
“Good. Now lie back and close your eyes and let the medication do their job.”
She smiled at his commanding tone. “Will you sing for me?” she whispered. “You have a beautiful voice. Couldn't resist...the other night...had to come closer to listen.”
Stunned he sat there. Had he been the reason she had been trespassing?
She hummed a romantic ballad that was a popular version adapted from an operatic piece. Softly he sang with her. He didn't know the exact words of the English song, but he invented a few words around the ones did remember.

*  *  *

It was how Jeff and Phyllis found them.
Mother and son entered the house as quiet as they could. It was dark except for the light on the stairs to help them find their way.
They looked at each other when they reached Amethyst's room.
“Their voices are beautiful together,” Jeff whispered.
Phyllis nodded with her hand pressed to her mouth.
She pulled Jeff away with her. In her wing of the house, they both strained their ears until the last notes faded away.
“I don't think my brother has ever in his whole life sang anything with another person.”
“Except with you when you were still boys.”
“True, but even when he continued with his voice lessons, and I focused on the piano, he refused to sing any duets.”
Phyllis smiled as she put her feet up. It had been a long day, but the concert was worth every minute. She also enjoyed the party the orchestra had afterward. Jeff was a visiting pianist and popular with the people he performed with.
Jeff sat forward and linked his hands together between his knees. “Do you think I could convince them to sing at the Christmas charity benefit?”
Phyllis smiled wider. “That is an excellent idea!”
He grimaced. “Ha, now to figure out how to convince him to come out of the proverbial closet.”
“Hmmm,” she replied. “Now that is where I come in, my son.”

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Thursday, 15 September 2016


The Billionaire Baritone, blog serial, Linzé Brandon, sweet romance

Amethyst loves music and enjoys hip-hop dancing to spice up her dull and dreary life. But one evening on her way home from dance class, she hears a voice that drew her away from her route.

Caught in the act of eavesdropping, her life is about to change in a way she has never foreseen.

David didn't quite know what to do with the beautiful trespasser, but when he learned that she was injured, taking care of her was the only solution.

Little did he suspect that she was about to take care of his lonely heart in return.


I couldn't decide which hurt more: my hand or my foot. Both were throbbing with each heartbeat. I had no idea what time it was, but unless I find those painkillers the doctor prescribed, I won't be getting any more sleep tonight.
“Great, now where did she put them?”
Before I could swear at the poor nurse, a swirling light caught my attention.
It was a mobile phone's screen changing colour every few seconds.
If it wasn't for the pain, the light show on the walls would have been soothing. It looked really pretty.
The phone was connected to a cable. charger probably.
“Crap,” I muttered. What the hell was David doing sleeping in the chair?
Probably thinking that I was incapable of doing anything for myself. It reminded me that I still haven't found those meds.
At least I knew my handbag was in the closet in the room. Phyllis was kind enough to put it there when we arrived.
I looked back at his sleeping form. It might be the soft light from his phone, but he looked relaxed and at peace when he slept. Good thing my hand hurt, and he was too far away to reach, otherwise I would have been more than tempted to push that stray lock of hair off his forehead.
I shook my head. “Idiot,” I hissed under my breath and turned to the other side. Relief shot like an arrow through me when I spotted the jug of water, a glass and the bag from the hospital.
I reached over with my left hand and carefully unfolded the top of the paper bag not to wake him. Inside there were three boxes.
I sighed. It was too dark to see which one I had to take and how many was recommended.
I eyeballed the distance to the bathroom door. I could hop over there, then he won't wake up from the light.
Settling on my plan of action, I shifted to the edge of the bed. At least my butt was fine, or maybe it recovered faster.
Carefully putting both feet on the floor, I slowly got up. My ankle hurt, but it wasn't worse than before.
I grabbed the bag in my good hand and slowly made my way to the bathroom. It was painful to put my weight on the foot, but I managed. At least I was not damaging it further because it wasn't broken.
One last look at his sleeping face I gently closed the door, before switching on the light. I press my elbow against the wall for additional support until I could sit down on the edge of the bath.
I took a moment to catch my breath.
Lifting my aching foot onto the lid of the toilet, I put the bag down and reached inside. The first box seemed to be the right one. I pressed two tablets out onto the edge of the bath.
I couldn't bring the glass from the bedside table with me.
Damn, there wasn't another in the bathroom.
Now, what? Two maybe three options popped into my head. Either swallow the tablets dry...yuck.
Or take them trying to drink from the tap with only one hand to use for balance and to drink from. That seemed a bit of a nightmare to figure out. My head ached just considering this choice.
The best was to put the tablets back into the bag, go back into the room, and use the glass on the bedside table to take them.
“Can't just one thing be easy?” I muttered in frustration.
His voice startled me, and I could feel my butt slipping from the edge of my tub.
“Oh oh, oh!”

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Thursday, 8 September 2016


The Billionaire Baritone, blog serial, Linzé Brandon, sweet romance

Amethyst loves music and enjoys hip-hop dancing to spice up her dull and dreary life. But one evening on her way home from dance class, she hears a voice that drew her away from her route.

Caught in the act of eavesdropping, her life is about to change in a way she has never foreseen.

David didn't quite know what to do with the beautiful trespasser, but when he learned that she was injured, taking care of her was the only solution.

Little did he suspect that she was about to take care of his lonely heart in return.


In the room everyone was buzzing around to get things ready; getting ready included fiddling with me.
"You just have to look a little sick, since really sick people don't go home."
I had to frown at the nurse. A little sick? Seriously?
What else could I do? "I will try."
David grinned at my feeble attempt to look weak. I glared at him, but it only made him grin wider. Eventually, I gave up and grinned too.
"Okay, you two," Phyllis spoke up when she returned to my room dressed as a nurse.
We shared a guilty look, but she wasn't fooled.
"Everything is ready. Shall we?" Phyllis pointed to the door.
When David lifted me from the bed, I felt one hand slip under the hospital gown to grip my naked thigh. I narrowed my eyes at him, not fooled by that innocent gaze.
Damn, then he had to go and look at me like I was about to be his lunch. My stomach knotted tight, and I looked away. Men like him didn't go for girls like me.
I was more than happy that he didn't say anything. Once I was on the gurney he stepped back for the real nurse to do her thing.
Two minutes later they rolled me out at the hospital. David walked by my side. He mentioned that Phyllis' asthma was public knowledge, so the staff put a breathing mask over my face and put a small oxygen bottle on the gurney to make as if it was real.
Good thing I was lying down, because my long hair would have given the game away in a second.
The hardest part was not laughing. Once or twice I glanced at Phyllis or David and they both seemed to enjoy having fun at the expense of the press.
I was nervous and afraid that I was going to screw up all their planning. Neither of them looked concerned, and I wished I could be that confident.
Only inside the ambulance did I manage to find my breath. Phyllis and a real nurse went with me, with David following behind in his own car.
The driver even switched on the siren for a few blocks, making all of us giggle. I had never been inside an ambulance before, but this trip was fun.

* * *

When we got to the estate Phyllis directed the driver to the back of the house away from any prying eyes or lenses in this case.
The growl of David's car came to a quiet stop next to us. He held the door for the nurse who slid my gurney halfway out.
He held out his hand. Thinking that he was only helping me get to my feet, I took his hand. Damn. The next moment he lifted me into his arms again and ascended the stairs to the first floor.
I opened my mouth to protest.
"Forget it," he said with a wink. "It isn't every day that I get to play the superhero."
Phyllis tried to hide her smile. I crossed my arms and glared at him.
"Not going to work,"  he said and took the second flight as if I weighed nothing.
"Fine," I mumbled. It only earned me another wink. Crap, now I am blushing again.
At least he left the room once I was on the bed and being attended by the nurse and Phyllis. I was definitely more comfortable once dressed in a nightgown. It was less revealing for a start.
"There we go," the nurse said once my pillows were pumped high and my hand elevated on another pillow she put on my lap.
"Mrs. Moorecroft will call if you need anything else. Take care," she added and left with a smile. I promised myself to do everything possible to get better. The Moorecrofts had already done so much for me that I couldn't continue to be a burden.

* * *

David accompanied the nurse out, while Phyllis went to change back into her own clothes.
When they returned to the guest room, Amethyst was sleeping.
“Poor thing had a stressful day,” Phyllis said as she put a blanket over her.
David didn't reply, only reminded his mother that she needed to get ready for Jeff's performance.
“Aren't you coming?”
“Not tonight. I will stay with Amethyst, but might go out to the factory again. I am not sure the situation is under control and don't want to spoil your evening if I have to rush out in the middle of the performance.”
She frowned. “I hope you brother is as understanding.”
“It's okay, really. I spoke to Jeff on the way home, and he agrees with me. He will meet you at the theater and escort you back home afterward.”
She patted his arm. “Have a good evening.”
Checking that Amethyst was still resting, he went to his own rooms to shower and change.

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Thursday, 1 September 2016


The Billionaire Baritone, blog serial, Linzé Brandon, sweet romance

Amethyst loves music and enjoys hip-hop dancing to spice up her dull and dreary life. But one evening on her way home from dance class, she hears a voice that drew her away from her route.

Caught in the act of eavesdropping, her life is about to change in a way she has never foreseen.

David didn't quite know what to do with the beautiful trespasser, but when he learned that she was injured, taking care of her was the only solution.

Little did he suspect that she was about to take care of his lonely heart in return.


David entered Amethyst's room with a grim look. Phyllis got up and waved him outside, not wanting to disturb the patient who was resting.
What's wrong? Did things change at the factory? We saw it on the news.”
He shook his head. “Not that I know off. The problem is the press. They followed me here. I was too upset to notice until it was too late.”
His face hardened. “I don't want them to find out about Amethyst.”
Phyllis nodded in understanding. They lived with security to keep the press away, but they would make the young woman's life a nightmare if they found out she knew David and Jeff.
How did you get here?”
Phyllis arched an eyebrow. “Sean dropped me off. Why?”
He nodded in approval. The chauffeur he employed also served as additional security for his mother.
It means that the press doesn't know that you are inside. This place has good security, and the staff is discreet. Can we say that you came for a routine check-up or something to explain why I am here? We own this place so it would make sense for you to come here for even a minor medical reason.”
They don't happen to be here for someone else?”
He shook his head. “Not our lucky day; I checked.”
She bit her fingernail. “What about Amethyst? We cannot just throw her to the wolves. And she cannot go home either. She will still need assistance until her hand is healed.”
He took a deep breath and let it out in frustration. “What do you suggest?”
He narrowed his eyes at the sudden gleam in Phyllis' eyes. “What are you thinking?”
She smiled. “I got this. You just be ready to talk to the press when I come back.”
Okay,” he replied, but he didn't sound convinced even to his own ears.
In Amethyst's room, he waited and watched her sleep. He wondered if she had any idea of the impact she had made on the lives of so many people in such a short time.
The people whose lives he changed today were still in shock, and it would take a day or so before they grasp the reality of the factory closing down. But everyone would be found an opportunity, he gave his word.
He looked at his watch. He promised Jeff that they would be at the concert tonight, but now it looked like it wouldn't happen. Maybe Phyllis could ask a friend to go with her since he had heard his brother perform in several countries, while Phyllis preferred not to travel because of her asthma.
The door opened to let his mother inside.
Everything is arranged.”
What is?”
Even as she explained, David frowned. “It's a good plan, except for one thing.”
What's that?”
We need Amethyst to agree to this. Otherwise, it would be kidnapping.”
Oh. I didn't think of that,” Phyllis replied.
He got up and stretched his arms and shoulders. “I suggest you wake her and get her permission. I am going to the bathroom and then I am going to talk to the press. Ten minutes.”
She made a sound like a snort, but he had left already.
When she turned around, two blue eyes were watching her with suspicion. “You want to kidnap me?”
Feeling foolish, Phyllis quickly explained their plan to sneak out of there to avoid the press.
Amethyst sat up. “But I am nobody, why would the press bother me?”
She closed her eyes for a moment and shook her head. “David and Jeff. You think I am going to sell some kind of story to the press to get my name into the papers? Why would you think that? I may be poor, but I don't do things like that!”
David rushed inside. “What is going on? We need to leave. Everything is ready.”
He looked from his mother to Amethyst. The one looked frustrated, the other about to cry. He decided the tears would be the worst so he went to the bed and took her hand in both of his. “Please do this for me. I have had a terrible day, and only want to make sure you don't have to worry about the wolves out there.”
She looked at their hands. “Are they that bad?” she whispered.
It made his heart ache to hold her and soothe her fears. Instead, he smiled. “Vultures. The lot of them.”
She smiled too. “Okay then.”
Their smiles faltered, but neither looked away.
Were her eyes so warm and open for him? He couldn't remember anyone looking at him like that. Women he knew before all had some hard edge to them. Maybe Jeff was right. Maybe he should look somewhere else for his happiness.
His hand automatically lifted to cup her cheek. Such soft skin. His thumb gently traced the curves of her bones and hovered at the edge of those kissable lips. She licked her lips and the heat level in his blood shot up to an inferno.
Is he going to kiss me? He read the question in her eyes.
Can I kiss her? He thought in return.
Are we ready to go?” a cheerful voice interrupted, and he stepped away with regret.
Amethyst's shy smile told him she felt the loss as much as he did.

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Thursday, 25 August 2016


Amethyst loves music and enjoys hip-hop dancing to spice up her dull and dreary life. But one evening on her way home from dance class, she hears a voice that drew her away from her route.

Caught in the act of eavesdropping, her life is about to change in a way she has never foreseen.

David didn't quite know what to do with the beautiful trespasser, but when he learned that she was injured, taking care of her was the only solution.

Little did he suspect that she was about to take care of his lonely heart in return.


Phyllis switched off the television set. They had just seen the whole spectacle on a live news broadcast.
My heart ached for those people, but I also felt proud of the way David handled the situation. It must have been really hard to tell them that they no longer had a job.
The TV presenters didn't show what happened after that, but somehow I knew David didn't dessert his employees.
I had no right to feel that way, but there was no getting away from one's feelings. I twisted the blanket around and around as I considered my own situation. The chances of me still having a job by the time I got released was remote. It wasn't a good feeling.
I looked at Phyllis, sitting next to my bed serenely sipping her tea. To be honest, I envied her. Having money was one thing, but to be so content and happy were things I had not experienced since my parents died.
She had eaten Jeff's intended lunch, even a little of the dessert, after confessing that she didn't like ice cream or custard.
I looked at my own empty dishes. People who complained about hospital food had never gone without. My stomach was aching, but I held my tongue and finished my own cup of bush tea.
What is going to happen to them?” I asked nodding at the TV hanging high above the floor against the wall.
Phyllis put the cup down and looked at me. “I don't know; my poor son.”
Why did you say 'poor son'? It is his responsibility, isn't it?”
Phyllis put her cup and saucer back on the tray and sighed. “David has a brilliant mind for business strategies—”
But not with people?”
She nodded. “He was always the quiet one, finding it hard to make friends.”
I found that almost impossible to believe given all the women I had seen him with in the tabloids. Maybe those women were only interested in his money. I couldn't be with someone and not want to talk to him. Listen to him talk about his dreams for himself and his future.
Phyllis smiled. “Jefferson is the opposite, but he chose the piano instead.”
The piano?”
That was a surprise. I thought Jeff had been the one singing that night.
Yes, he is a classical pianist. We should go to a performance soon. He would love it if you came.”
I couldn't afford it, but held my tongue. It would sound ungrateful after everything the Morecrofts were doing for me.
Does he sing too?” I had to ask.
Phyllis laughed. “No, that is David's pleasure. I love it when both my sons make music together. And trust me, that doesn't happen very often these days.”
I could feel my heart jump when I remembered that rich and shiver-inducing voice. “It was David singing at the house? Outside in that theater thing you have at the back?”
Yes, it was him. He likes to sing opera arias, the focus it requires helps him deal with stress.”
She stopped and took my good hand. “Is that why you were there? To hear him sing?”
I didn't know he sang. I was on my way home when I heard someone sing. It drew me. It was so beautiful. I am not smart enough to understand opera, but I love music, and I couldn't help but go closer to listen.”
Embarrassed I looked down at my aching hand. “I am sorry for all the trouble I have caused you. I shouldn't have gone there in the first place. Getting injured is a sign that I screwed up.”
Nonsense,” Phyllis replied. “None of us think that. In fact, we are all happy to have met you.” She winked. “My sons especially.”
I like them too,” I replied avoiding her eyes.
Exhaustion dragged me down in the bed, and I closed my eyes. My foot hurt, but it was okay. I was going to be okay. It was what survivors did.
Even drifting off I wondered why David didn't sing all the time. He had such a beautiful and expressive voice. My problems didn't exist when I listened to him sing.

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Thursday, 18 August 2016


The Billionaire Baritone, blog serial, Linzé Brandon, sweet romance

Amethyst loves music and enjoys hip-hop dancing to spice up her dull and dreary life. But one evening on her way home from dance class, she hears a voice that drew her away from her route.

Caught in the act of eavesdropping, her life is about to change in a way she has never foreseen.

David didn't quite know what to do with the beautiful trespasser, but when he learned that she was injured, taking care of her was the only solution.

Little did he suspect that she was about to take care of his lonely heart in return.


With worried faces, the managers followed David into the building as the fire alarms started screeching.
They followed him to the production floor and then outside to the loading bays where the two groups were now throwing insults at each other. The women looked scared and were clutching their purses like a lifeline.
Once they were spotted the crowd turned their ire to them. David raised his arms. The crowd quieted down.
Those arrested were put inside police vehicles with bars and armour protection.
“You remember last year during the strike of the whole textile industry I told you if anything like that would ever happen again, I would have to close down the factory.”
People were getting fidgety.
David looked around. The labour representative was missing. Typical. Now that he was in trouble, he left the people he was supposed to represent to fend for themselves. Maybe they would learn from this and stop supporting people who didn't really care about them.
“That day has come,” David continued. “The sabotage this morning destroyed the future this factory still had once and for all.”
A roar started up, and the police reinforced their position.
David held up his arms once more and waited for long minutes for the crowd to quiet down again.
As he waited, he heard a young woman say to her friend. “What now? I have a baby. Where am I going to get a job?” She started crying.
Amethyst's face appeared before him. Like her, they were people who depended on their salaries to support themselves and their families.
He never got involved at this level of his businesses, but meeting Amethyst changed all of that.
“I know this is a difficult situation that we didn't plan for—”
“What do you know? We need these jobs to feed our families!”
David nodded. “I know. If you would give me a chance to continue?”
The crowd murmured among themselves but kept looking at him.
“As I said, we didn't plan for this to happen. We have a list of everyone who have families to support and we will start with you. Single parents and single income families will be looked at first to see where we can find work for you.”
He looked around. “Where are the HR people?”
Five people raised their hands in the air.
He pointed towards them while addressing the crowd. “Okay. Make sure that they have your details on files and that your work experience record is up to date. I will have them contact other companies in the area, to start looking for opportunities for you. This might take a few days, so please be patient. Your salaries are covered until the end of the month, so there is no need to panic. Any questions?”
While he answered questions, the young woman who mentioned her baby came forward and managed to get onto the loading dock with him. Without saying anything she ran forward and hugged David.
“Thank you,” she whispered, wiping her face.
He swallowed hard as she stood back and blushed furiously. “I am sorry,” she whispered.
He reached out and took her hand. “No, I am sorry that this had happened, but we are going to try and make it better again. Okay?”
She nodded, smiling now.
He nodded to one of the women who stuck up her hand earlier. “Please start with...what's your name?”
“Cynthia,” she whispered.
“Cynthia,” he continued, making the crowd applaud.
When the questions were no longer coming, he turned to the managers still with him. “Our people got a raw deal today. Make sure you pull all your contacts and favours to help them get jobs in the area.”
He pointed a finger at them. “I want daily progress reports. Not just numbers, I want the details Who, where, when they start, their new salaries, benefits, the works. Got that?”
They all nodded.
“Good. Your futures depend on your success in helping them,” David said and pointed over his shoulder, “and helping the police sort through all the evidence they need.”
He paused for a long moment. “I have a feeling this wasn't some random labour incident.”
“Get going,” he ordered. He looked at the financial manager. “Nicole, walk me to my car.”
As they walked, they discussed the process to shut down the factory.
“I will get on it right away,” she said as he got into his car.
“Let John know if you need anything.” John Lambert was the chief financial officer of the whole group of companies.
She nodded. “I will.”

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Thursday, 11 August 2016


The Billionaire Baritone, blog serial, Linzé Brandon, sweet romance
Amethyst loves music and enjoys hip-hop dancing to spice up her dull and dreary life. But one evening on her way home from dance class, she hears a voice that drew her away from her route.
Caught in the act of eavesdropping, her life is about to change in a way she has never foreseen.

David didn't quite know what to do with the beautiful trespasser, but when he learned that she was injured, taking care of her was the only solution.
Little did he suspect that she was about to take care of his lonely heart in return.


All the way to the factory, the only thing he saw was the smile in Amethyst's eyes. While he called the company lawyer and the factory's manager again, he thought about were those blue eyes.
Upon arrival at the premises, he could see the workers outside. They were being held at bay by the police. This was bad.
When he got out of his car, he was met by the lawyers of both the workers and the company. The labour representative was there, as well as two of the managers of the factory. They all started talking at the same time. He held up his hands.
“Are the people still inside safe?”
The factory manager nodded. “We managed to get the troublemakers outside before they caused more damage.”
David looked at him. “What did they do?”
The production manager sighed. “They set fire to the stockrooms and destroyed the bales of clothing that were ready to ship this week. We got the fires out, but I am afraid we couldn't save any of the stock or the shipments.”
“I see. The security footage?”
“It is being checked right now with the police present.”
The lawyers started speaking again, but he shut them up.
“This is arson and destruction of property. Why are they threatening to strike?”
No one spoke. David arched an eyebrow towards the labour representative. “Well?”
David couldn't help the sneer he aimed at the man. He had never trusted the guy, but since he wasn't on the payroll, there wasn't anything he could do to get rid of him.
He was still glancing from the one to the other man in the group, avoiding David's eyes, when the factory manager spoke up.
“There was an incident on the floor. Two guys got into a fight.”
“And why wasn't it stopped then and there?”
The factory manager shifted from one foot to the other, but he didn't look away. “We were too slow. By the time security made it to the floor, people were already getting involved. We had to call the cops.”
The head of security and three police officers approached. “We have the names and faces of the ones responsible for the damage. Do you want to press charges?”
David looked away from the people with him towards the group of people making threats and shouting all kinds of slogans at the police.
“Yes, but can we wait for a few minutes. What about the two guys who started the fight?”
The head of security spoke up. “It looks like they were used to cause a distraction. The fires were started when most people were getting involved in the fight.”
“We will take them into custody for questioning,” one of the officers said.
David nodded. “Okay. Where is Nicole?”
The financial officer of the company was called. She came out with a police escort.
“Short answer,” David began after greeting her. “How much did we lose?”
The number Nicole mentioned made him clench his jaw. He nodded. It wasn't her fault, so venting his anger at her was not going to solve anything.
He nodded to the police. “Arrest the guys and charge them, but don't leave yet. I want to tell everyone with them present what damage they had done today.”
The cops left.
He looked at the security personnel watching the mob, then addressed their boss.
“Wait until the police have arrested everyone, and then activate the fire alarm to evacuate the building. Keep the women and the men inside separate from these people.”
“What are you going to do?” the factory manager asked.
Nicole replied. “The only thing he can.”

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The 100 day project: Week 1 (Day 1 to Day 7)

Hey there creative friend! If the 100 day project is on your radar this year, then I wish you all the best and loads of fun creating things ...