Showing posts with label blog serial. Show all posts
Showing posts with label blog serial. Show all posts

Thursday 4 August 2016


The Billionaire Baritone, blog serial, Linzé Brandon, sweet romance

Amethyst loves music and enjoys hip-hop dancing to spice up her dull and dreary life. But one evening on her way home from dance class, she hears a voice that drew her away from her route.

Caught in the act of eavesdropping, her life is about to change in a way she has never foreseen.

David didn't quite know what to do with the beautiful trespasser, but when he learned that she was injured, taking care of her was the only solution.

Little did he suspect that she was about to take care of his lonely heart in return.


True to his word he returned quickly but had a frown on his face.
“What's wrong?”
He crossed his arms. “The nurse said you could only have ice cream if you eat proper food first.” He dropped his arms and sighed.
“So we will just have to eat proper food before we can have dessert.”
David turned when he heard laughter coming from her room, distracted from his call. When the man said his name again, he closed his eyes for a moment. “Okay. Don't panic. I will be there as soon as I can.”
After he rang off, he spotted Phyllis coming towards him.
“Good morning, Mother.”
She smiled as he kissed her cheek. “And how is our patient?”
He waved her inside and followed. “Why don't you ask her yourself?”
“I have to go. There is a problem at the factory on Main street. Jeff, don't you have a concert to prepare for?”
Jeff looked at his watch. “Yeah, gotta go. The damn conductor is a pain in the butt.”
He kissed Amethyst and Phyllis on the cheek. “Sorry, ladies, the great Jefferson Morecroft has a concert hall that awaits his genius.”
The women laughed at his antics, and David envied his brother's easy going personality. Despite his drama queen act, he was a great guy.
He turned to the women. “I will see you later. Mom, a moment please?”
Phyllis patted Amethyst's leg. “You relax, and I will be right back.”
Outside her room, David rubbed his forehead.
“There is a labour strike threatening at the factory. Could you please look after Amethyst? Make sure she eats properly?”
Phyllis nodded. “Of course, don't worry.”
He turned then stopped. “One more thing: find out what the hell she was doing at the house.”
Ignoring his mother's scowl at his language, he dug out his car keys and left.

Read the story from the beginning on Wattpad

Thursday 28 July 2016


The Billionaire Baritone, blog serial, Linzé Brandon, sweet romance

Amethyst loves music and enjoys hip-hop dancing to spice up her dull and dreary life.

But one evening on her way home from dance class, she hears a voice that drew her away from her route.Caught in the act of eavesdropping, her life is about to change in a way she has never foreseen.

David didn't quite know what to do with the beautiful trespasser, but when he learned that she was injured, taking care of her was the only solution.

Little did he suspect that she was about to take care of his lonely heart in return.


With Jeff leading the way, the two men quietly entered the room. David stood back and watched his brother with the young woman. Amethyst. A most unusual name. She looked even more fragile against the pale bed linen. More subdued. Perhaps still feeling the after-effects of the anesthesia.
“Hi,” Jeff said taking her healthy hand in his. “How are you feeling?”
She gave him a tired smile. “Thirsty.”
David spotted the glass with water and straw on the other side of the bed. He came closer and lifted it to her lips. The bed was already raised to make it easier.
“Here,” he said. “Drink slowly at first, okay?”
She turned her head towards him and blinked slowly as if to make sense of him. When she licked her dry lips and wrapped them around the straw he was holding, he felt a kick in his gut.
Maybe not for the first time, but now he couldn't help but see how beautiful she was. He reached out and gently put one hand over hers to help her hold the glass.
Her eyes smiled at him. They were still a little fuzzy after the operation. They were a deep blue and too large for her face.
Tim might have reported facts to them, but she was underweight and he would guess because she had skipped meals too often. He tightened his hand, making her eyes go wide.
“Sorry,” he said quietly. “Have you had enough?”
She let go of the straw. “Thanks.”
Somehow he thought she did that only because he asked, making him feel like a dog.
Jeff had been observing the other two in silence. He was sure that they had forgotten that he as there and it made him smile inside.
David was a hard nut to crack, and he had never seen him look at a woman the way he was doing now like he wanted to lock her up and keep her safe from all the bad things in this world. Their dad had been the same when it came to his family.
A loud noise broke the soft silence. David cursed under his breath. He put the glass on the bedside table and reached inside his pocket.
Judging by the look on his face, it was work matters.
“Excuse me.”
Amethyst's eyes followed him out of the room before she remembered about Jeff.
She fiddled with the blanket. He smiled at her adorable embarrassment.
He touched her shoulder for a moment. “Hey, I know it's almost lunch, but I have a hankering for custard and ice cream. Would you like some too?”
The near desperate look he saw on her face, made his heart ache, but he decided to keep it light. “Since we own this place, the staff will give you anything you like, so what do you say?”
A smile lit up her face. “That would be nice.”
“I will be right back. Don't go away now.”
She laughed softly and shook her head. “I won't.”

Thursday 21 July 2016


The Billionaire Baritone, blog serial, Linzé Brandon, sweet romance
Amethyst loves music and enjoys hip-hop dancing to spice up her dull and dreary life. But one evening on her way home from dance class, she hears a voice that drew her away from her route.
Caught in the act of eavesdropping, her life is about to change in a way she has never foreseen.

David didn't quite know what to do with the beautiful trespasser, but when he learned that she was injured, taking care of her was the only solution.
Little did he suspect that she was about to take care of his lonely heart in return.


Jeff entered the waiting room holding a cup of coffee and a box.
“Have you asked her yet?”
David shook his head as he took the food, before uncapping the coffee. “After the operation, there will be enough time. Did Tim get the financial report?”
Jeff sighed and pulled out his mobile phone. He scrolled to his email. “Yeah. His initial assessment was right. Our little trespasser earns a minimum wage and spends most of it on rent and food.”
He glanced up at his brother. “She barely eats judging by the numbers. The company that employs her provides their employees with a basic lunch every day, but I don't think it is intended to be their main meal of the day.”
David listened as he sipped his coffee. The meal was forgotten on the seat next to him.
“What are you saying?”
Jeff shrugged. “I think we could offer her a job.”
David turned his head. “She hasn't even finished high school.”
“I know that.”
He sighed. “I just thought that we could help her that's all. She seems like a nice person and not star struck by your reputation. Maybe if she was given a better opportunity, she could finish her formal education.”
David frowned. “I hate that damn label.”
Jeff slapped his shoulder. “So do I. Do you know how many women want to cuddle up to me just so they can meet you?”
David winced. “Sorry about that, I didn't know.”
Jeff shrugged. “Yeah, well. Hey, I have an idea!”
“I don't like it when you get that expression on your face. What the hell have you cooked up now?”
Jeff grinned. “You could marry her.”
“What?! What have you been putting in your coffee?”
The younger Morecroft stopped smiling. “Think about it. You are not the playboy bachelor the tabloids make you out to be. You want a family and a home life like Mom and Dad, and the women that you usually meet definitely have no such plans.”
David didn't argue. Jeff was a concert pianist and worked just as hard as he did to make a success of his professional life. But that success came at a price. Jeff might be the easygoing one, but deep down David knew his brother also wanted what their parents had.
Their parents had made their life work for them. Mom had been a teacher until she married a successful businessman and became a society wife. But she did it for them, not because of the prestige. When Dad passed away, she withdrew from her public obligations and focused on the literacy foundation that had been her passion.
“Why don't you marry her?” he asked instead.
“Because she doesn't look at me the way she looks at you, brother. She might not be drooling over your suit like the Barbie doll of last night, but I think she likes you.”
David didn't want to think about the woman who practically propositioned him the previous night. It happened all the time and to be honest, he was sick of it.
He attended the event with Jeff because it supported a music school for underprivileged children and the Morecroft Foundation was a major donor. He almost smiled when he recalled the children's faces when they got to play silly duets with a world famous pianist.
Jeff had a point as much as he hated to admit it.
He wondered if Amethyst liked children.
“You are thinking about it, aren't you?”
David shrugged as the doctor interrupted their conversation.
“I had to put pins into the broken fingers since her bone density is low. If she follows the instructions I left with the nurse, she should regain full use of her hand without problems.”
“Thanks, Doug.”
The doctor smiled. “Anytime.”
“How is Clarisse doing in the new school?”
Doug's smile widened. “Thanks to you and Jeff, my daughter is blooming. Trust me, I still have to hear how her 'uncles saved her from that dreadful establishment'.”
The men burst out laughing.
“Sounds like she found the classics.”
Doug shook his head. “You have no idea. Last week it was Dickens. I shudder to think who she will be quoting next week.”
They shook hands before the surgeon lifted a ringing phone from his pocket. “Hi hon,” he answered as he left the room.
A nurse came to tell them that they could see Amethyst.

Follow the story on Wattpad

Thursday 14 July 2016


The Billionaire Baritone, blog serial, Linzé Brandon, sweet romance

Amethyst loves music and enjoys hip-hop dancing to spice up her dull and dreary life. But one evening on her way home from dance class, she hears a voice that drew her away from her route.

Caught in the act of eavesdropping, her life is about to change in a way she has never foreseen.

David didn't quite know what to do with the beautiful trespasser, but when he learned that she was injured, taking care of her was the only solution.

Little did he suspect that she was about to take care of his lonely heart in return.


I woke up groggy and hungry. My first thought was that I was going to be late for work when my body reminded me that I was in a hospital.
I lifted my bandaged hand and peeked at my fingertips. They were swollen and all kinds of horrible colours. I put it down and tried to reach the bell. It must have fallen off the bed.
It took some effort, and not without pain, to sit upright. Before I could swing my legs over, a warm hand fell on my shoulder.
I must have been too sleepy because he didn't scare me.
“David,” I said. I could feel the blush rising in my face. “I mean, Mr. Morecroft. Good morning.”
I felt like an idiot and shut my mouth. What was he doing here?
Instead of saying anything, he bent down and lifted the bell where it hung from its cable. I watched him press the button. A nurse came inside.
Embarrassed, I waved her closer. “I need to go,” I whispered, fervently hoping that he wasn't listening.
She nodded and helped me to stand. My ankle was strapped making it less painful to walk. After the fuss I had made last night about using a bedpan, she simply pushed her shoulder underneath mine, and helped me to the toilet.
Back in the room, having hobbled holding onto the rail, my audience was still there.
Once the nurse had helped me get back into bed, and rearranged the covers, David came closer.
“The surgeon will be here within the hour. We have contacted your employer and gave them the news. Your boss, a Mr. Henry, said that you have enough sick leave available so your job is not in jeopardy.”
I avoided looking at him as I thanked him. Mr. Henry hated his job and as a result made his employees' lives miserable if things were not to his liking. My being in the hospital would not be to his liking. I would need to look for another job when I was released.
I didn't mention that to David. I am grateful that the Morecrofts was doing this for me, but I didn't want more of their charity.
“Is there someone we can call for you. A friend? Husband?”
“No, it's okay.”
I know I sounded dismissive, but there was truly no one to call. I wasn't close to anyone I knew, and I preferred it that way.
Soon after a different nurse came to prepare me for the operation.

Follow the story from the beginning on Wattpad

Thursday 7 July 2016


The Billionaire Baritone, blog serial, Linzé Brandon, sweet romance
Amethyst loves music and enjoys hip-hop dancing to spice up her dull and dreary life. But one evening on her way home from dance class, she hears a voice that drew her away from her route.
Caught in the act of eavesdropping, her life is about to change in a way she has never foreseen.

David didn't quite know what to do with the beautiful trespasser, but when he learned that she was injured, taking care of her was the only solution.
Little did he suspect that she was about to take care of his lonely heart in return.


Three Morecrofts stood in the waiting room of the small wing where Amethyst's bed was. They heard voices in the room as the nursing staff helped Amethyst get ready for bed.
David's phone rang. Seeing who the caller was, he nodded to Jeff to close the door and put the caller on speaker.
“Tim, what did you find out?”
“Amethyst Calder is twenty-four years old and has no living relatives. Her parents died in a car accident when she was seventeen. She dropped out of school to support herself and works as a goods receipt clerk at a warehouse in the city.
She had no ties to any newspaper or tabloid. I had a quick look at her home, and I have to say that she is lucky to have a roof over her head. Her landlord was a friend of her parents and charges her almost nothing to stay in a converted servant's quarters on the property.
I am still waiting for the report on her financial status, but I would guess that she doesn't earn enough to pay tax over and above the unemployment contribution required by law.”
“What was she doing at the house?” David asked.
There was a whisper of clothing as the private investigator shrugged. “I don't know. Maybe you should ask her yourself.”
“Thanks, Tim. Let me know when you have the financial report.”
“Will do.”
After ringing off, Phyllis smiled at her sons. “See, she is a harmless young woman. I like her.”
Jeff returned her smile, but David remained skeptical. She might not be a reporter after a story, but that didn't mean she couldn't sell her story to a newspaper for a lot of money and the chance to have her name linked to his. Or Jeff's.

“We'll see,” he said instead.

Read from the beginning HERE

Thursday 30 June 2016


The Billionaire Baritone, blog serial, Linzé Brandon, sweet romance

Amethyst loves music and enjoys hip-hop dancing to spice up her dull and dreary life. But one evening on her way home from dance class, she hears a voice that drew her away from her route.
Caught in the act of eavesdropping, her life is about to change in a way she has never foreseen.

David didn't quite know what to do with the beautiful trespasser, but when he learned that she was injured, taking care of her was the only solution.
Little did he suspect that she was about to take care of his lonely heart in return.


I couldn't help but worry. The Morecrofts seemed nice people, and genuinely looked like they wanted to help, but they had money and power, and I had nothing.
Phyllis refused to talk about money and asked me all kinds of questions about myself, while one paramedic checked my pulse and reminded me to keep still.
Then the ambulance stopped, and the door opened again.
It didn't look like a hospital to me.
Panic gripped my chest.
“Did you kidnap me?”
Phyllis, to her credit, look insulted for a moment before shaking her head. “No, this is a private facility. It has the best equipment and care in the country.”
She waited until they put me on a gurney, before climbing out and following on foot.
As soon as the doors opened, I got the hospital feeling. Everything was white, although the staff that approached us looked concerned and not at all how I envisaged kidnappers would look.
A man's face came into my field of view. “Hello there, we are going to do some X-rays and give you a proper check to see how your injuries look.”
We were moving while he talked to me, also checking my pulse with a warm hand. I was starting to feel drowsy. It has been a tiring day.

By the time I was put in bed, my whole body ached, and I was feeling like crap. I was thirsty, hungry and in desperate need of a shower. Phyllis was still with me, but I didn't want to say anything. She had done more than enough already.
It didn't take me long to figure out that the 'private facility' belonged to the Morecrofts. The staff was giving me curious looks, but none made any comments to my face.
But I could imagine what they were thinking. Charity case. And they wouldn't be wrong I reminded myself as I laid there.
“Would you like some water?”
I opened my eyes and nodded. “Thank you.”
Phyllis helped me to sit upright and held the glass until I could grip it with one hand. I looked at my other. It was bandaged and I couldn't use any part of it.
The next moment David and Jeff walked in with the doctor who pronounced my butt bruised but fine, my ankle severely sprained and my hand broken and in need of surgery.
Jeff approached my bed while David remained with the doctor.
“We are flying in the surgeon first thing in the morning to fix your hand.”
I heard him but my eyes couldn't look away from the man quietly watching from the other end of the room. “Why are you doing this?”
Jeff spoke up and I finally managed to tear my eyes away from David.
“You are hurt, and we want to help.”
I waved my injured hand in a helplessly stupid fashion. “I know that. But why so much trouble? I cannot afford this place.”
I put the glass down and laid down, ignoring the ache in my stomach. I had gone without food before.
“Don't worry about the bills,” Phyllis said as the doctor left the room.
Mother and sons shared a look, and I felt even worse. I hated that people felt sorry for me. If they wanted to waste their money on me, fine. I will get out of here and out of their hair as soon as I can. Maybe after the surgery tomorrow. I needed the use of my hand and the surgery to do so. It didn't feel right staying here, but I had no choice if I wanted a functioning hand.
I was too tired to argue anymore, so I nodded and closed my eyes, hoping they would leave me alone in my misery.

Read from the start on Wattpad

Monday 27 June 2016


The Billionaire Baritone, blog serial, Linzé Brandon, sweet romance

Amethyst loves music and enjoys hip-hop dancing to spice up her dull and dreary life. But one evening on her way home from dance class, she hears a voice that drew her away from her route.
Caught in the act of eavesdropping, her life is about to change in a way she has never foreseen.

David didn't quite know what to do with the beautiful trespasser, but when he learned that she was injured, taking care of her was the only solution.
Little did he suspect that she was about to take care of his lonely heart in return.


The older woman came closer and put her arm around my shoulders. “Come, let's have a look at you. I have to apologise for my son, he usually has much better manners.”
The woman took my pack and handed it to the guard, all the while talking as she manipulated my limbs to move. I cried out again, I couldn't help it.
“Stop,” David said. ”You are hurt.”
I nodded battling tears now. I hated crying. “My ankle,” I managed.
“Hold on,” was all he said before I could figure out what he was talking about. The next moment a squeal escaped me as he lifted me into his arms. My arms went around his neck in an instant.
This close to him, I clenched my teeth not to gasp out loud. I might be a lowly clerk in a retail warehouse who danced to escape the mundane routine of my daily life, but I knew who was now carrying me: David Morecroft III. Billionaire businessman and thrice voted the hottest bachelor this side of the equator.
Always having prided myself on being level headed, it was hard not to act like some starry-eyed schoolgirl with her first crush. This guy was gorgeous. What was not to like? Midnight black hair with heavy brows and high cheekbones, giving him a hawk-like appearance. I recall the tabloids calling his eyes, golden orbs of passion, but this close they were a dark honey colour. His lips were definitely as kissable as they said.
Another breath reminded me that his aftershave didn't come from a department store. It was the kind of scent that I wanted to roll naked in. I wanted it all over my skin because it reminded me of being a woman. Not a feeling I get to experience often.
When he stepped inside the house, the bright lights blinded my eyes for a moment. Once I could see again, I remembered why I should have insisted on leaving. There was art on the walls, and I was not taking any bets on them being prints.
He carried me to some kind of couch thing and gently put me down. Despite the soft cushion my butt protested, but I managed, this time, to keep the pain to myself. This whole situation was embarrassing enough without me having to explain about a bruised ass.
“What is your name?” his mother asked.
“Amethyst Calder.”
The older woman smiled at her son who was watching me with a really funny expression on his face. Did he think I was going to steal from him? Hmpf, the world might consider him the catch of the century, but he clearly had people issues.
“I am Phyllis Morecroft, and this is my eldest son, David.”
Another man came into the room and laughed softly. “So this is the intruder you caught. Scary little thing, isn't she?”
Phyllis shook her head. “This is my youngest son, Jefferson.”
“Jeff,” he replied he approached and held out his hand.
Before she could explain, David grabbed his brother's hand. “She is injured, Jeff.”
He looked over his shoulder. “Where are the paramedics?”
The security guard pushed a button on his earpiece and listened for a few seconds. “On their way, sir. ETA 2 minutes.”
Could this get any worse? I swallowed. How could I possibly explain about not having any money when I was surrounded by people who didn't know what it was to be poor?
The door opened, and two paramedics entered holding their kits in one hand and a stretcher in the other.
I held up my hand. “No, please.”
David came closer and put his hand on my leg, above my ankle. “Are you afraid?”
I frowned. “Of course not. It's just that...,” I pressed my lips closed.
Phyllis stepped up. “Everyone out. Come on, boys there is a lady that needs attention.”
Without a word, the two men left me with their mother and the two paramedics.
Phyllis held my uninjured hand as they prodded my bruised body.
“Okay, miss you are going to have to take a ride with us. We need to get X-rays on your ankle and hand to make sure you don't have any broken bones.”
“But,” I wanted to protest.
Phyllis cut me off. “Excellent idea, you cannot be too careful when it comes to hands and feet.”
I know she meant well.
I pulled her closer. “I cannot afford it. Please, I just want to go home. I will be okay.”
She waved her other hand and motioned to the paramedics to put me on the stretcher.
“Let's not worry about that. You need to get well first.”
I couldn't help the groan when they lifted me onto the stretcher, covered me in a blanket and strapped me in from shoulders to ankles.
“What's wrong?”
“Fell on my butt,” I whispered. It was hard keeping the tears at bay. How am I going to pay for all this?
To my utmost surprise, Phyllis went with me into the ambulance, still holding my good hand.
“Why are you doing this?”
She smiled and patted our hands. “Because you need help. Stop stressing so much, everything will be okay.”

Read from the start here

Thursday 16 June 2016


The Billionaire Baritone, blog serial, Linzé Brandon, sweet romance

Amethyst loves music and enjoys hip-hop dancing to spice up her dull and dreary life. But one evening on her way home from dance class, she hears a voice that drew her away from her route.

Caught in the act of eavesdropping, her life is about to change in a way she has never foreseen.


David didn't quite know what to do with the beautiful trespasser, but when he learned that she was injured, taking care of her was the only solution.

Little did he suspect that she was about to take care of his lonely heart in return.


It was dark, but not late. I readjusted my backpack and tried not to put too much weight on my left ankle. Stupid kid, I thought not for the first time. Although at the time I had used much stronger language to express the pain when a fellow dancer misjudged his turn and kicked my ankle.
Hip hop wasn't a dance known for its gentle movements. I winced as pain shot up my leg once more. I stopped and rested my hand on the wall of the bridge. Taking deep breaths, I waited for the pain to pass. It was only a bruise, but it still managed to hurt like a bitch.
A breeze started up and floated around me. I canted my head. What a beautiful voice!
Ignoring the pain now I walked as fast as I could to get past the wall blocking the sounds from the city.
There it was again. A rich, dark baritone. I closed my eyes and lifted my head to determine the direction of the music.
Without even thinking that I had to work tomorrow and still had some way to go to get home, I opened my eyes and followed the sound.
A few hundred meters down the road the sound no longer drifted. I could see a house with what looked like an open theatre at the back and side of the property.
On the stage was a man dressed in a suit. His face was cast in shadows, but it was him. Shivers ran down my spine at the notes he sang. I pulled a face. Opera wasn't my favourite music, but I couldn't see him singing anything else with that incredible voice.
As a rock 'n roll bunny, I had no idea if he was a famous opera singer or not, but I didn't want to leave.
I moved as close to the edge of the theatre as I could, but staying in the shadows. I would hate to disturb that performance in any way. I closed my eyes once more and just listened.
How long I sat there, I didn't know. So caught up in the emotions in his voice, I screamed when I felt a touch on my shoulder.
I jumped up and screamed again when my injured ankle gave way under my weight.
I looked up at a tall guy in a uniform. He was holding a torch and backed up a few steps. He crouched, fortunately keeping the light on the ground and not on my face.
“Ma'am,” he said, “are you okay?”
I frowned and tried to get up. My ankle hurt but so did my ass and right hand. I must have fallen on a rock or something.
“What do you want?” I asked feeling distinctly stupid and hurt.
He held up both hands, making the torch light flash over his face. “This is private property ma'am, and you are—”
“Almost trespassing?” another voice added.
I stumbled but managed not to fall this time. This has turned out to be a nightmare of a day.
“I am sorry,” I managed, “I didn't mean...I will go...sorry.”
“Please wait,” the second man spoke up. The first seemed to have faded into the background.
I tried a miserable smile and hitched my backpack higher on my shoulder. “I am okay, really. Sorry for being a bother.”
It was hard, but I managed to walk without crying out in pain. How the hell I am going to walk all the way home, I didn't know.
A warm hand touched my arm. “Please, don't leave. You are hurt.”
I stopped and turned around. He had a point, but I was wary. I didn't know him from Adam, and a girl couldn't be too careful these days. I had already been stupid enough not to go straight home.
He stepped back and nodded to the security guard that had appeared again. “We are not going to harm you. I know you are scared, but please let us help you. At least let me call a paramedic.”
It set off a different bell of panic in my head. “It's okay. Really, I am fine.”
I shifted my weight to my other leg. My hand hurt, but the thought of medical bills on my already small income, made me head hurt.
I heard a radio crackle for a moment before more people arrived. Amongst them was a woman.
“David,” she started, “what on earth are you scaring this young woman for? Can't you see she is hurt?”
The man, David, turned towards her. “I am trying to help her, Mother, but I cannot force her to accept my help.”

Tuesday 24 May 2016

The Friendship Affair

The Friendship Affair by Linzé Brandon, blog serial
Not all long lasting marriages are happy. But what do you do if divorce is not an option?
University friends, Stephanie and Nick, meet again after twenty years. But life has not been easy or simple for either of them. Will this friendship affair stand a chance against reality?


You love me?”
The absolute amazement on her face almost made him laugh. Almost. In fact, it would have been funny if it wasn't for the fact that her eyes were unnaturally bright and got wider by the second.
They were standing in her living room. Ever since they had left the restaurant, she had been silent, and those were the first words out of her mouth.
He stepped closer and took both her hands in his.
I do. I don't know why our lives had turned out the way they had or why we hadn't pursued a relationship when we were young, but right now the past makes no difference to what I feel for you.”
Stephanie slowly backed away to sit on the couch.
He never understood why anyone wanted white furniture, then he remembered that she had no children to worry about. He joined her. He moved a little closer but didn't reach for her much as he wanted to.
She blinked and looked at him with even wider eyes. “You really love me?”
He smiled and took her hand despite his inner voice telling him to give her some space.
Without an ounce of doubt.”
Her silence was a trifle disconcerting. “Talk to me, sweetheart. What are you thinking?”
Stephanie blinked, and two tears slowly rolled down her cheeks. She didn't look away from him. In fact, something changed in her expression to make him hold his breath.
I love you too,” she whispered and then looked down. Slowly she folded her hands over his.
But I cannot offer you anything beyond an affair. I cannot divorce Frederick. I am sorry.”
Nick quickly reversed their hands when she made to get up.
Oh no, you are not giving up on us. I don't believe that you have to remain married to ensure his care, there must be other options.”
He pressed two fingers to her lips when she wanted to protest. “If it turns out that there is no other way, then so be it. We can define our relationship. We are not young anymore, Annie. I don't want to be without you for however many years I still have left in this life.”
What about your children?”
Don't worry about my kids; they are mature enough to understand. Besides, you make me happy, and that is all they want for me anyway.”
He lifted her hands and pressed a kiss to each of her palms. “So what do you say?”
Stephanie began smiling, and his heart jumped at the love he saw when her eyes lit up. “I say, yes!”
He grinned and leaned forward to kiss the woman he knew was going to make the rest of his life one happy affair.
~ The End ~

The story is also available on Wattpad

Tuesday 17 May 2016

The Friendship Affair

The Friendship Affair by Linzé Brandon, blog serialNot all long lasting marriages are happy. But what do you do if divorce is not an option?
University friends, Stephanie and Nick, meet again after twenty years. But life has not been easy or simple for either of them. Will this friendship affair stand a chance against reality?


She was beautiful, was his first thought when she walked into the restaurant that evening. He could see she had her hair done and was probably wearing a new dress, but that wasn't what kept his attention. There was just something different about her tonight. And he loved it.
He stood as she approached and held out her chair.
“Thank you.”
“How are you?” he asked after the waiter left with their drinks order.
She took a sip of her water and smiled at him. “You know, I am actually pretty good.”
He smiled back. “You definitely look it. And no,” he said when she wanted to interrupt, “it's not just the dress or the lovely hairstyle. You look beautiful.”
He leaned closer. “And smell like sin personified. Who did you cheat out of his taxes today?”
She laughed at his conspiratorial tone and leaned closer too. “That is my secret.”
His laughter joined hers.
Others looked their way, and he was sure he was the envy of many men and women tonight. But that was their problem. He had the pleasure of her company, and he was not going to worry about other people. Not tonight.
They ordered the wine suggested by the sommelier, and two dishes recommended by their waiter and laughed and talked as if nothing had changed between them.
Halfway through the main course, he started telling her about the divorce and the complexities of the agreement he had with Lena.
While he talked, she asked a few questions but listened mostly in silence. When he stopped talking, she was playing with her wine glass.
Their plates had been taken away, and he refused dessert for both of them.
He reached out and took her hand, pushing the glass to the side.
“Talk to me, sweetheart. What is going through that mind of yours?”
She sighed and slowly pulled her hand away. “You are a free man.”
“I will be. Soon.”
She sighed again, and her shoulders slumped a little as she contemplated her thoughts. He could guess what was coming, but he needed to hear her say it.
“I am not. Free, I mean.” She looked towards a table where a young couple was holding hands, clearly unaware of the world around them. To be that young. To be free to love like that.
She looked back at him. “I may never be free.”
He waved to the waiter for the bill.
“We need to talk about that.”
She blinked. “Didn't you hear what I just said?”
He smiled. “I did, but I am not going to let that stop me from loving you.”

He waved a finger at her. “And neither should you.”

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Tuesday 10 May 2016

The Friendship Affair

The Friendship Affair by Linzé Brandon, blog serial
Not all long lasting marriages are happy. But what do you do if divorce is not an option?
University friends, Stephanie and Nick, meet again after twenty years. But life has not been easy or simple for either of them. Will this friendship affair stand a chance against reality?

The rest of the weekend she spent trying not to be depressed about everything. It was difficult, but she managed by keeping busy. She ended up having dinner with a girlfriend she hadn't seen in a while. Then she did some work on two clients accounts anyway and ended up painting her nails a deep rose colour.
It was the sexiest colour she had and afterwards, she smiled. Somehow she had made peace with her life. Marriage would not happen for her, but that didn't mean that she had to give up having a loving relationship. It would take a man of exceptional patience and understanding to be in a relationship with her.
By Wednesday, her life was back to normal. Normal being dull and boring.
Nick had called the previous day and asked that she meet him tonight. He gave her the name of a very classy restaurant.
“I made reservations for us at seven.”
She hesitated for a long moment but then decided that another night alone at home, was only going to drive her crazy.
A quick online search told her the restaurant had a dress code, so she had been staring at her closet for the past half an hour. Things didn't look better the longer she looked.
Oh, she had an outfit or six that was suitable, but suitable was no longer what she needed. She needed more. Glancing at her watch told her she had about four hours to find a dress before she had to get ready.

Car keys in hand, she didn't waste any more time. It was time to do something purely because she could. It was time to embrace life.

The story is also available on Wattpad

Tuesday 3 May 2016

The Friendship Affair

The Friendship Affair by Linzé Brandon, blog serial
Not all long lasting marriages are happy. But what do you do if divorce is not an option?
University friends, Stephanie and Nick, meet again after twenty years. But life has not been easy or simple for either of them. Will this friendship affair stand a chance against reality? 

Stephanie parked the car and looked in the rearview mirror. Quickly digging inside her purse for her trusty backup kit, she fixed her hair and applied some lipstick.
She was dressed in jeans and lavender blouse, but it would have to do.
Taking a fortifying breath, she got out.
She followed the nurse to the social area. It was only called that because visitors were allowed here, but there were still several nurses and assistants keeping an eye on the patients.
She spotted him in a corner, reading. It was the one thing he still loved, despite the illness.
He stood up when she approached and gave her a kiss on the cheek. He had never been overly affectionate, especially in public.
It took her a moment to get her emotions under control. He seemed so...normal. Casually dressed in jeans and a white long-sleeved shirt, it was as if they were having a quiet afternoon at home. But it wasn't normal.
How are you?”
She offered a genuine smile. “I am well, thank you.”
Are you still coping with the business?”
She never told him about selling it and saw no reason to upset him now. “It is doing well,” she replied. It was no lie. The new owner had kept her services as the forensic accountant, so she knew the business was doing well. Much better than she would have done.
He nodded. The silence stretched for a few moments, but she was reluctant to ask any questions since the simplest things could upset him.
She made the mistake once to ask him how he was doing. Very bad idea.
So she waited.
Eventually, he talked about his mother and his sisters, and she just listened. She knew he didn't remember how they treated him, so she said nothing. She also knew they had never visited him. Visitors were required to register and the primary caregiver, her in this case, had to give permission for visits. She had never been asked.
Would you do me a favour?”
If—” She caught herself in time. “Yes, of course. What do you need?”
He leaned forward and took her hand. “Promise me you will get married again? You need someone to take care of you. You always wanted children, remember?”
She refrained from saying that she had been taking care of both of them for almost twenty years and that she was past the age of diapers and homework. Instead, she smiled and squeezed his hand gently. “If it will make you happy.”
If she hadn't been watching him, she would have missed the moment when his eyes changed. Quickly releasing her grip, he nonetheless jerked his hand away.
Who are you?”
Swallowing the helplessness, she got up and backed away.
What do you want?!”
His shout caught the attention of two nursing assistants, and they rushed over. They didn't ask questions, only took care that he didn't hurt himself when he tried to pull away.
Another nurse came closer and put her arm around her shoulders.
Come, dear, there isn't anything you can do.”
She nodded and wiped her eyes. “I know. After all this time...”
She didn't say more and allowed the nurse to escort her back to her car.
It will be okay,” she nurse said as they reached her car.

The woman left to get back to her duties. She sat in the car staring out of the window for long minutes. The nurse had it wrong. Some things will never be okay.

The story is also available on Wattpad

Tuesday 26 April 2016

The Friendship Affair

Not all long lasting marriages are happy. But what do you do if divorce is not an option?
University friends, Stephanie and Nick, meet again after twenty years. But life has not been easy or simple for either of them. Will this friendship affair stand a chance against reality? 

Lena still looked the same. Of course, she was older, but there was no mistaking the woman who had borne his children.
She was dressed in some kaftan thing that looked it had paint spilt on it in litres. Her hair was on top of her head but he wouldn't go so far as to call it styling. It just was.
She was focused on something in the basin so he couldn't see the whole of her face, but if he had to guess no make-up.
She froze. Then stood upright and turned around.
“Nick. I thought you were Angus. He is late with my salt.”
She stopped and turned back to the basin. He wasn't sure he should ask what she was up to.
She stood up again and turned around. Her hands were some awful yellow colour, but she didn't seem to notice.
She frowned for a moment then looked at her hands. “Yes, well. The damn dye is not setting without the salt.”
She glanced at the envelope in his hand. “You brought a pen?”
Before he could reply, she pushed past him and walked down the passage of the cottage.
He blinked. She really hasn't changed a bit.
He heard water run, then it was quiet for few moments, and then she came marching back.
She was alternating shaking her hands and rubbing them on the kaftan.
“There is a table in my studio.”
Again not letting him reply, she marched off. This time, he followed.
The studio used to be the dining room, he would guess. But the rest of the place was also filled with easels and paint brushes, and paintings in various stages of completion.
He might be ignorant about fine art, but as an architect, he had a good eye for composition and design. Lena was truly a gifted artist.
She pushed some brushes to the side and pointed to the table.
He pulled out the papers and took a pen from his breast pocket.
She slowly reached out to take it as if suddenly realising that this was the end of the road.
“It is done?” she asked quietly.
He nodded. “Yes. Tomorrow is her eighteenth birthday, but I will only file the documents with the lawyers on Monday. Then it's over.”
Two men came in and seemed startled by his presence. He knew she lived with two men, but didn't expect them to be the same guys he had met before. So she was capable of a long term relationship, it was the children that caused her to run.
His chest ached for his kids, but it was better this way.
After she initialled and signed in all the right places, she held out his pen.
He put it back in his pocket.
“Do they know? About me?”
“No. You wanted it that way, remember?”
Lena nodded. Then frowned again. “Where is my salt?”
She made to go back to the kitchen but he held her arm for a moment. “Thank you,” he said quietly.
She shrugged. “I might be useless as a mother, but it would have been heartless of me not to help out financially.”
She bit her lip for a second and he could swear he saw a moment of regret, but it vanished when another man walked in. “About time!” She reached out to take a bag. “The kitchen. I need it in the kitchen.”
Then she was gone as if he had made no impression on her daily existence. Perhaps he didn't.
The two men who had been watching in silence nodded to him. “Will everything be okay now?” the taller one asked.
He nodded with a half smile. “I think we are okay already.”
He lifted his hand in a silent greeting and left the cottage, the papers back in the envelope ready to finalise the last point on the divorce agreement between the world famous painter and her unknown husband.

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