Showing posts with label special. Show all posts
Showing posts with label special. Show all posts

Wednesday 5 April 2017

Book Feature: PROVOCATIVE by Lisa Renee Jones

Provocative by Lisa Renee Jones is coming April 18th!

Pre-Order PROVOCATIVE Today!
Special $2.99 pre-order price - will increase after release!

Book two: SHAMELESS will be out on July 11th!
Pre-Order notification:

Monday 13 March 2017

Live in Balance: Time to just carry on

As I sat down in front of my computer to compose my blog post for this week, I realised that I have nothing to say. No wise words, no boring words, just nothing. So instead of waffling my way through 500 words or so to put something on my blog, I am putting my 6 graphs of progress up. And that's it.
Next week, along with everyone else, I will reveal my theme for the A-to-Z Blog Challenge.
There will also be three swag packs (South African residents only) to give away to subscribers to my mailing list. Details next week.

Until then, Live in Balance, my friends!

Linzé Brandon, Live in Balance, Goals 2017

Linzé Brandon, Live in Balance, Goals 2017

Linzé Brandon, Live in Balance, Goals 2017

Linzé Brandon, Live in Balance, Goals 2017

Linzé Brandon, Live in Balance, Goals 2017

Linzé Brandon, Live in Balance, Goals 2017

Monday 1 August 2016

Pre-order your copy: NEGOTIATING THE MAZE by Linzé Brandon

Pre-order your signed paperback copy @ R100

~ Delivery options ~
(postage R84 South Africa only)
(Postnet to Postnet R99 anywhere in South Africa)
(courier to your door starting at R185 South Africa only)

Live in or around Pretoria?
Collect your copy from the author (ask for the details)

Why not attend the 2-day course and learn more first-hand?
Details coming soon!

Monday 4 July 2016

HUGE Giveaway - 4 to 20 July 2016


Welcome to the 4th of July Summer of Reading Giveaway!
The authors below are offering up $150 Amazon Gift Card to you can get your read on!
Please check out the books below, some are Free, Free with KU, or Inexpensive.

Young Adult
Awaken3scales cover

New Adult

Sweet Romance
Broken Choices1frontshewillbeloved

Contemporary Romance
12764573_10153649882554145_9175444023325309797_ooverthefenceOMC.EbookTVBM_med (3)

Women's Fiction

Paranormal Romance / Urban Fantasy
eBookCaelum proofnightoftroubleenlightenedcover 300 resolution

Science Fiction

Want to win a $150 Amazon Gift Card? Follow the authors in the Rafflecopter below for a chance. Open WW 18+ Ends July 20, 2016 @ 11:59 PM EST
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Saturday 2 July 2016

International Author's Day Blog Hop

This is a request to join in and celebrate the people who provide us with hours of entertainment!

I am going to celebrate 'International Authors' Day' on 18th July 2016. Will you join me?

B00kr3vi3ws will be organizing a Blog hop that will go on from 14th to 18th July. Join in and write post on your favourite Books & Authors, or about how you got into reading, or why you love reading, or .... you get my drift. Let's show these folks that we love and cherish them!

Check out the 2014 Blog Hop
Check out the 2015 Blog Hop

If you have a Blog or Website where you can make a post then enter your details at the b00kr3vi3ws website.

Friday 12 February 2016

I need your help...for a character

My Intimate Stranger by Linzé Brandon, cover teaser
Synopsis: Juliana needs a man that has some adventure in his blood. She meets Ryland on her way home, but does not see his face. She becomes intimately acquainted with his hands though. To preserve the mystery and the excitement of their public affair, she never tries to look at him when he touches her on the crowded bus.
My Intimate Stranger is the first in a trilogy of two people who embark on the sexual relationship adventure of a lifetime.

My challenge to you: I need an occupation for Ryland.
He has to have the kind of job where a regular bus ride would not be out of character, even if it's not an everyday occurrence. It has to be the kind of job my readers will associate with an adventurous, confident man in his early thirties.
Juliana is a forensic accountant the same age as Ryland. Her confidence and adventurous spirit are reflected in the story in the way she dresses and wears her hair.

Share your answer in the comments below and remember to leave a way (one link will suffice) for me to contact you (email, blog URL, Facebook page or Twitter handle). I will choose an answer I think will work best for the story and give the winner a discount coupon for a free download of my erotic romance ebook, Their+1.

The competition closes on the 14th. I will announce the winner on the 15th on my blog and my Facebook page.

I look forward to your suggestions!

Sunday 29 November 2015

It's a party, darling!

It's my party and I'll give ebooks away if I want to! Maybe a little corny, but hey it is my birthday.
And to celebrate the auspicious occasion I am giving all subscribers to my mailing list two discount coupons. They are valid for two days only, so get your name on that list and collect some reading matter for the festive season.

Subscribe today and use the chance to get three full length novels for the ridiculous price of $1.98.

Gerá's Gift is FREE on 1 and 2 December 2015
(for subscribers only)

Keeper of the Dragon Sword is $0.99 on 1 and 2 December 2015
(for subscribers only)

Michael's Mystery is still on tour this week and $0.99 until 3 December 2015.

I send out my newsletter twice a year, so there is no chance of spamming your inbox. And I respect your right to privacy, no sharing of that email address, ever!

Monday 5 October 2015

35 Day Blog Challenge - Day 23: Internal vs External Conflict - a report on the #ROSACon2015 presentation by Romy Sommer

fighting, karate
Romy dealt with the one subject that differentiates a narrative from a story, the dull from the exciting - conflict. Without conflict in a story, there is no motivation for the reader to finish the story. The reader will not be rooting for the hero (and heroine) and will soon be bored since there will be nothing that drives the story to its conclusion. Does the hero overcome his biggest obstacle? Do the hero and heroine finally overcome their past prejudices, fears, histories, problems and let their hearts embrace the love waiting for them?
Even in romance fiction external conflict needs to assist in the internal conflict that drives the story forward. The main plot is the development of the relationship, and the focus must remain on the romance even in romantic sub-genres.
Romy addressed both the aspects of internal conflict and external conflict in category romance fiction with clear examples and focus on the genre's expectations.
Romance stories are primarily stories about relationships, and the motivation (or lack thereof) that the main characters experience to get to their happily ever after.
All other story structures need to support this concept and Romy addressed this with clarity in her talk. She also went on to explain want conflict is not, as these situations are often confused with what does constitute the conflict in the scene.
Overall a talk well worth listening to, even for published authors as we sometimes need a reminder of the essential elements of the stories that we write.

~Romy Sommer is the President and one of the founding members of ROSA.
~Linzé Brandon is a member of ROSA and the administrator of the official Twitter account @SARomance

Pop around tomorrow for my view on the usefulness of Pinterest.

If you want to see what the other participants are blogging about, you can find their blogs here. Why not pop on over and leave a comment?

Sunday 30 August 2015

Reading and Writing...away from Home

Instead of posting in Linzé's Mischief today, I decided to add a post to show you some photographs. Enjoy!

Sunday 30 August 2015 (21h05):
Boesmansberg Guest Farm - our home away from home
Being away from home isn't always easy, especially if it for work. The travel, the long days, the difficulties when things don't go as planned. But sometimes there is a weekend in-between the work days where you can recharge your batteries, like we did this weekend.
Yesterday, a few of my colleagues and I went to a local church fete. It has literally been years since I had been to one of these things, especially in a rural area. Back home our local fetes in a big city, are not the same as I remember from being a child in a small town in rural South Africa.
Prieska, in the Northern Cape province is as rural as you can get. It is the closest town for many of the farmers in the area, and while it has no mall (local joke) it has three of the major supermarket chains represented, the major banks and a co-op or two, everything a farmer needs.

Not the heat they had predicted!
I had a good chuckle when I Googled 'Prieska mall' and actually got four hits! Trust me, there is no mall in this town.
On our way back to the guest farm, we had a good laugh. We cruised the CBD of Prieska, had to search for the venue of the fete, and drove all of 2.6km in the process! Back home the closest shop is 2km from my home, and the closest mall (yeah, a real one) 5km away.I love small towns, but living in a big city sure does have it benefits.
The Orange River flows past Prieska
The closest city is Kimberley, and an almost four hour drive away. Local businesses, such as the guest farms of the area, get their products delivered from Kimberley, since it is more cost effective.

The week ahead sees the second stage of our testing that is planned. While the weather prediction says high temperatures are on the cards, we have been having cold and rainy days. We can still test if it rains, but it's not comfortable working outside, especially when it's cold and windy on top of that.
I finished reading the third book in the Antique Mystery series by Eileen Harris. The review of books the last two books will see the light of day, once I get back home.
Today had been a quiet day, although the wind is howling like mad at present. I spent the day writing, and it was good to get a few hundred words done. I haven't been able to do that the past week, and will probably not have a chance to write again until I am back home. Such can be the life of a writer with a full time job!
On that note, I wish you a successful week.

Saturday 1 August 2015

Reblogged: Seven Ways Blogging Improves Your Writing

Today, it seems that everyone is a blogger. Setting up a blog is simple. If your mother can set up a Facebookprofile, chances are she will be able to set up a blog.  

So, if it is that simple, why are you not blogging? Not everyone wants to write about his or her life. An online diary is seriously not everyone’s cup of tea, but if you spend time online, you will notice not all blogs are personal diaries.  Those, which are personal blogs, are well written and have compelling stories, and they are entertaining.
As a writer, you should be building an author platform, so if you don’t want to tell us about your session in the gym you can tell us about your books, your writing and what you are reading. Start building relationships with your future readers now.

If that is not enough motivation to get you blogging, consider these seven points:
  1. It gives you a deadline. Writers always perform better with deadlines. It forces you into a routine and helps you remain focussed.
  2. It gives you something else to write. Sometimes we need a break from our novels and blogging will help with that.
  3. It is a daily, weekly or monthly commitment that forces you to write. 
  4. The comments are great. They give you immediate feedback. However, some comments are not always great, but consider it a good way to start developing a thick skin.
  5. You can write about anything. It is a wonderful creative outlet. Consider it a place to explore and take risks with your writing that you wouldn’t usually take in a full-length novel.  
  6. Consistent blogging will help you create a body of work over time that comes in bite-sized chunks.
  7. Allows you to create a platform to promote your books.
Blogging is a big commitment and it takes time, but it is worth the investment. Spend time online and find blogs that you enjoy. Then take the plunge and start your own blog.

Note from Linzé: This post was reblogged from

Tuesday 28 July 2015

Thank you to the Reviewers!

I have a confession to make: once I have a book published, I sort of forget about it. Not completely or irrevocably, but I move on to the next project. Often the next book is already a completed first draft, or close to getting there. My head is filled with ideas and since I started writing at a fairly mature age (read thirty or so) I have a lot of time to make up to get all my ideas written, edited, or published.
Today I browsed around on Goodreads to see which of my books I still have to add, and the status of the ones on my bookshelf where I need to write a review or ten.
Somewhere in this browsing, I came across reviews for STORM Vol I and Vol II which were a group project published last year. I was flabbergasted at the nice things people wrote about the stories in both volumes.
If you recall STORM is an anthology around a common theme, but any genre suitable for adults (excluding erotica) were allowed for the contributing authors.
Personally I have published two more books since STORM, but it was truly a wonderful experience to be reminded that there are other people who enjoy reading as much as I do. Discovering authors unknown to them and being surprised at the stories they wrote.

It also reminded me that books I read and review for other authors, will hopefully inspire them to write more books for me to enjoy.
A big thank you for each and every reader that takes the time to write a review, you make an author's day every time!

💜  💜   💜   💜   💜

Monday 25 May 2015

Me, myself and I - my addiction to writing revealed

Linzé Brandon, author fantasy, adult fiction
Linzé Brandon
I am participating in the Writing Contest: How Writing Has Positively Influenced My Life. Hosted by Positive Writer

Writing often feels the same as getting those unwanted hair waxed, it hurts. Especially that first time. The pain is excruciating, and makes you wonder what the hell made you do it in the first place. Then you go back for the second time. It still hurts, but by now you expect the pain and yet you go back for the third, fourth and fifth time. By then the pain is not so bad anymore and you are fast becoming friends with your beauty therapist.
This is exactly what happened to me. I am talking about writing, the waxing part came later.
Fifteen years ago I wrote my first story. It was not great, but I finished it. Then I wrote another one and another. And by the end of the second year I had my first novel on my desk. I had no idea what to do next, except to keep writing. I tried my hand at the traditional publishing option, but the inevitable rejection followed.
If this sounded like the best time to give up, I probably would have, but by then I was hooked on the pain. Every excruciating word. I had to write. I. Had. To. Write. And I have not stopped since that fateful day in 2001.
Did I want to be writer growing up? The thought never even crossed my mind that I could become a writer. No one in my family has any job outside the usual doctor, lawyer and teacher options. Yeah, then I decided to study engineering. Not a writer, but definitely a first for the family. I started a trend. Every single cousin younger than I, barring two, went on to study engineering. Including my own brother. Some of them, like I, also married engineers. Must be that thing engineers are so good at that clinched it for me. (No, it's not the numbers) That alone should have told me that something was brewing. I loved being an engineer, then I became a specialist and added a second speciality. I went on to study for a masters degree in engineering management, not because I wanted to be a manager, but I wanted to start my own business. It finally hit me: I wanted to be my own boss.
Sometimes even us brainy types can be a bit slow when it comes to life decisions. I wanted to be my own boss. Fancy that. And I was my own boss for ten years. It was then that I started writing.
When self publishing became more widely accepted, I jumped on the bandwagon and got my first novel published, twelve years after I wrote it. What a high! It is that same feeling you get when smoothing your hand over that waxed skin, so soft and smooth. Skin unlike anything you have touched before. Worth the pain? Every time!
Twelve published fictional titles to my name - one more novel this year and two non-fiction books also in the making. My pain has become my addiction, my stress relief from the daily grind, my happy hour every day. And I write every day. Fiction, freelance articles, blog posts like this one, a book review or a technical article. Weekdays and weekends. At a cool word count of over one and a half million fictional words already behind me, I still get a delicious thrill when I get to that point in a story where I can type, the end.
Seeing my name in print...indescribable joy.

Do I want to be a writer when I grow up? Yes, please!

Can you live without your passion?

Wednesday 18 March 2015

Multiple Book Feature Event hosted by Joel Ohman

Science Fiction is the hottest genre right now. Add in some best selling authors and Young Adult books and you have an event not to be missed. So come celebrate these awesome YA Science Fiction Authors with us! Giveaways, book exclusives, games and more! Young Adult Science Fiction Multi-Author Event March 19th from 5:30-9PM. You can enter the big $100 Amazon Gift Card Giveaway at the bottom of this post! Don't miss it!

YA Banner FB Header

Join the event!

The authors are excited to see you on the 19th but in the meantime, check out these amazing titles!
ManyLivesOfRubyIyer_cover The Legacy Human (Singularity #1) FINAL anyone
Perception-LeeStrauss-cover_600x927 2mos Kay-BrokenSkies-17612-CVR-FT-v1 (2)

Schedule of events!

5:30-6:00 – Angela Scott
6:00-6:30 – Laxmi Hariharan
6:30-7:00 – Theresa Kay
7:00-7:30 – Lee Strauss
7:30-8:00 – Pavarti K Tyler
8:00-8:30 – Susan Kaye Quinn
8:30-9:00 – Joel Ohman
9:00 – Pavarti (Announce Rafflecopter winners - Enter at the bottom of this post!)

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Monday 16 March 2015

A little FREE Irish Magic for you today

From Linzé: Top of the morning to all ye lads and lasses! I may not be Irish, but I love a good tale!
This post is reblogged specially for St. Patrick's Day - enjoy!

Grá mo Chroí  Love Stories from Irish Myth

by Ali Isaac & Jane Dougherty

I would like to thank Sue Vincent for inviting us (Jane Dougherty and Ali Isaac) to talk about Grá mo Chroí. So here goes, in time for the Saint Patrick’s Day binge.
For the tiny handful who are not fluent Irish speakers, the title means ‘Love of my Heart’: the collection of retellings Ali Isaac and I put together being of some of the great love stories from Irish myth.
Why did we do it? Because we love the rhythm and the language of these stories, written, or rather told, so long ago, in the pre-Christian era before the shadow of Christian purity fell upon Irish culture and expunged many of the legends of inappropriate material. Women, of course, being anathema to the Christian Church, ended up with the short straw in many of the later versions of these stories. Ali and I wanted to give our versions of what we believe to be the original stories, where the women were not wicked temptresses, whores, or pure as the driven snow. Too pure to even…
But I didn’t come here to rant about Christian hagiography. Irish myth is a wonderful pagan romp. Its heroes and heroines are beautiful and warlike, endowed with magic powers, incredible strength, great wisdom, or beautiful singing voices, quick to laugh, to cry, and of course to fight. They will stop a war the time to play a board game, for the queen and general to deal with her period, or simply because the other side asked nicely. The women choose their own husbands for love and force their lovers to elope with them, a king kills his rival and is abandoned by all his men because they think it was a mean thing to do, and great warriors cry when their favourite hound dies. Little of what they get up to seems ‘sensible’ to modern readers, and certainly there is none of the Christian morality we are used to reading in literature from the Middle Ages onwards.
Both Ali and I have been very affected by our delving into the workings of Irish myth, which has produced dozens of poems and more stories as a result. I hope to publish some more retellings, and I think Ali has one or two projects up her sleeve too. As a Saint Patrick’s Day special (he has to be good for something!) Grá mo Chroí will be free on March 16th, 17th and 18th.
Here is a short excerpt from the first story in the collection, The tragedy of Bailé and Aillinn.
Bailé, the soft-spoken, left Emain Macha in the north to meet Aillinn, his betrothed. Rare was such a wedding host, and uncommonly joyful. For the king of Ulster’s only son and the daughter of the king of Leinster had made a love match. Even the sun shone bright on Bailé’s journey, the hounds danced and milled about the horses’ legs, fancy bridle bits sang silver songs in the wind, and the company was filled with joy.
Bailé left behind his own lands of Ulster, the blue lochs and gorse-yellow hills where the eagles cried. Before him, beyond the purple peaks of home, lay the low, wooded hills and the rich plains of Leinster. He saw his Aillinn in the contours of the hills, in the white plumage of the swans on the river. She was soft as new grass and spring foals, wild as the March wind, and generous as the blackbird singing to the world. His heart was full of joy that soon they would be wed and their union would bind together her rich beauty of soft hills and birdsong, and his wild majesty of the eagle and the red deer.
You can get a copy of Grá mo Chroí here:
myauthorpicYou can find out everything of any interest there is to know about Ali Isaac by visiting her blog You can email her at: mail to: Her books are available on and
IMGP4852 3And Jane Dougherty is to be found on her blog . She is also on Goodreads, and all her books are available on, and

A-to-Z blog challenge: Step Z - it's finished!

Thank you for visiting my blog on the last day of the challenge. If you are an artist interested in taking part in a competition, there is s...