Thursday 24 January 2013

A Secure Heart by Charity Parkerson

 On Sale Jan 22nd - Feb 5th for only $1.99 !


Re-released with new cover and edits January 8, 2013
What does it take to secure a heart? For the Smith Security Services team it's Flowers, Chocolate, Wishes, and Sparks!
Flowers: Fashion Designer Flower Calloway's next big show could make her famous all over the world, but she ends up uncovering a few secrets that could break her heart instead.
Chocolate: A quick trip to the store for some chocolate therapy, and a fateful encounter with a few gorgeous men, shakes up F.B.I. Agent Genie Cook's once secure life.
Wishes: For Jacob and Gracie, it is love at first sight, but it will take more than a few wishes to hold them together when Jacob's career threatens to tear them apart.
Sparks: Twin brothers Weave and Bob are hardened fighters, but two special women are going to have them throwing off sparks instead of punches.

Tuesday 22 January 2013

Hats off to the Reviewers

Even before I tried my hand at writing a book, I have been a reader. I love books, and ever since I have mastered the skill of reading, it has become a pleasure that I will keep indulging in.
I am sure you can relate when I say that there are writers that I love and cannot wait for their next book, and then there have also been instances where I have been disappointed. Though not many, I am glad to say.
This past month or two I have had the pleasure to read and review a few books. I don't know what other people do, but it took a long time for me to read every book not just scan through it. Much longer than I had anticipated, given the fact that I am on a deadline to finish the editing of my second novel.
So this is my thanks to the readers who go so far as to post reviews for the books they have read. It takes time to read a book and then write a review. Time that you probably could have spend somewhere else, doing something else. And yet, you didn't.
As indie authors we love the feedback and, while you probably drink as much coffee reading as we do when writing, we promise to keep writing even more books that you can enjoy for years to come.

Sunday 20 January 2013

The Look of Love by Bella Andre (A Review)

The Look of Love is the first book in the Sullivans Series by Bella Andre and it is not going to be last one I read. These Sullivan men are hot!

Chase Sullivan is pure alpha male, but underneath that playboy exterior is man with a heart that quickly sees that Chloe is going to be trouble. That is trouble with a capital T, and she is going to threaten his bachelor existence before the week is out if she keeps smiling at him.

It's not all heat and sizzle, but its hard not to get all drawn into the characters' lives as you keep turning the pages to find out what is going to happen next. I kept on holding my breath to see when that spark was going to ignite, and not once did Ms Andre disappoint.

It is the kind of series where you know you are not going to get any sleep until you have read them all.

As for meeting the rest of the brothers?  I think I am going to melt all over my favourite chair very soon, but it will be worth every moment.

Find this review and many others on Goodreads and Amazon

Tuesday 15 January 2013

Torn Together by Emlyn Chand (A review)

You can also read my review along with many others on Goodreads.

I will re-post mine here. And in case you are wondering? Do yourself a favour and read this book!

Although women's literature is not my genre of choice, Torn Together turned out to be a revelation. A story about the circle of life. How relationships are torn up, and woven together like a tapestry from the finest threads of love, loss, making friends and forming bonds of family whether by blood or love.
As I read this journey of Daly and Laine it was hard to put it down to get some necessary sleep every night.
Ms. Chand managed to create a story that will stay with me for a long time.

A-to-Z blog challenge: Step Z - it's finished!

Thank you for visiting my blog on the last day of the challenge. If you are an artist interested in taking part in a competition, there is s...