Monday, 25 February 2013

Interview: Linda Leander author of INZARED - Queen of the Elephant Riders

It is my pleasure to interview my online friend Linda Leander today.

Did you like to read as a child? 
Absolutely! My mother read to me as a baby and said I “read” the book when she pointed to the pictures. I’m sure it was memory, but that instilled a love of reading in me that I carry to this day. I remember running home from school to grab a snack and fling myself on the bed to read whatever book I was into at the time. Mom would call up the stairs for me to come down and set the table – my standard answer was always “I’m almost at the end of the chapter – be right down.” Of course, I probably gobbled up a whole chapter or more but I just couldn’t get enough. At night I snuck a flashlight in bed with me and read under the covers until my mother caught on. I still feel the same way when I’m immersed in a good book. 

As an adult you probably still like to read as most authors do.  Who are your three favourite authors and why do you like their books? 
It’s definitely hard to pick only three and if you had asked my favorite all time authors my answers would be different. I’ve only included current ones and only a few. But if I had to pick them they would be: 
  1. Harlan Coben – to me he’s the master of a great suspense novel and I cannot put his books down. Once I found him I read every single thing he’d written and I’ve now re-read them many times.
  2. Amy Tan – her books of Chinese family culture are not to be missed. I’ve always loved reading about different people and customs and her books are full of them. 
  3. Janet Evanovich and Sophie Kinsela – I like having something that is fresh, easy to read and light. Both of these authors are entertaining and I can carry them with me to the beach or the doctor’s office.
Where do find your inspiration from?
I find my inspiration from life – from the world I live in. I’m fascinated by history and love research. I can be inspired by a couple on a park bench or an old woman walking down a lonely stretch of road. I keep a small notebook handy and as I have ideas I write them down. Sometimes they’re just one line and other times a few lines. I look at signs and billboards, read headlines on the Internet and magazines. Anything can become fodder for a new book, a character or a setting.

How much of yourself do you think become a part of your novels?
Every writer is part of his or her novels. I base some of my character traits on real-life events that have occurred in my own life and things I know how to do. I think as I write the character takes on a different persona, though, and I probably project other traits that might not be as close to my own. We all have a yen to be someone or something else. As a writer I can make it happen!

Will you watch the film if you have read the book? Or vice versa?
I love to read a book and then see the film. Occasionally I’ve seen the film first. I don’t mind doing either. What’s exciting about reading (and writing) is the ability to “see” the characters and settings through the eyes of the writer. It’s all an adventure!

What do you enjoy the least and the most in writing a novel and publishing it?
I most enjoy the writing – that moment when you lose all track of time and the words flow from your fingers faster than you can key them into the computer. I least enjoy the editing, but actually find some of it interesting, especially when I delete characters or delete scenes.

And lastly - if you had to pick only one pair of shoes - which pair would you take and where would you like to go?
They’d be my cross-trainers. I’ve worn out several pair but they take me on my quests for adventure. They’re always comfortable and I’ve walked many miles in them and traveled to many places. As long as I’ve got those and a little black dress I’m all set!
More about Linda:
L.Leander is an author, freelancer and award-winning songwriter. Her first novel, Inzared, Queen of the Elephant Riders was published in June of 2012. The second book in the series, Inzared, The Fortune Teller is slated for publication in early 2013. The author has also published a short non-fiction series titled 13 Extreme Tips for Writers, targeted to the beginning writer.

Ms. Leander manages a blog titled L.Leander’s Reviews and Interviews that offers book promotion to Indie Authors. The author currently resides between Wisconsin and Mexico.

Find Linda's books and follow her at:
INZARED, Queen of the Elephant Riders by L.Leander
Video Trailer for INZARED, Queen of the Elephant Riders:

L.Leander’s Website:
L.Leander’s Reviews and Interviews:

Twitter:    @lleander11

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