Sunday, 13 September 2015

35 Day Blog Challenge - Day 1: My Challenge

book cover, non-fiction, author Linzé Brandon
I don't consider myself impulsive, in fact as an engineer I am one of those people that tends to overthink rather than jump in. Upon occasion, I do step out of character and boom!
I did that about three days ago when I saw the link on Facebook, and two minutes later I enrolled into the 35 day blog challenge. You would think considering my ten-hour workdays, freelance commitments and working to finish a non-fiction book, I would have thought twice about taking part. Second thoughts did come though, but not to withdraw, instead I got a brainwave. Rather like that little light bulb you see popping up in cartoons when a character gets an idea.
I have a blog post list which I drew up early in the year, but have done only a few of the posts I had planned. Thirty-five posts are a lot to manage for someone who barely makes the one post per week schedule. While I was staring at a blank page (yes, I do my blog planning on paper) that light bulb moment happened. Why not do two things at the same time?
I have to finish the book - it is aimed at the writer and in keeping with the theme of the challenge - and I have to write the posts. Since this thought happened, I had often wondered why I had not thought about this before. The creative brain seemed to have been constrained too much by the rational brain of late. I say, no more.

So here we go! Challenge accepted! Thirty-five days of posts and thirty-five days of writing to complete Indie Author: The Good, the Bad and the Hard Work.

See you tomorrow!

If you want to see what the other participants are blogging about, you can find their blogs here. Pop over and leave a comment!

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