Tuesday 14 January 2014

February is Fantasy Fan Month

Tweet me (#FEBFANMONTH) or tell me on Facebook -
reserve your spot and share your thoughts, reviews and authors of your favourite genre
this February on the Broomstick.

Tuesday 7 January 2014

Tips, Tricks and Tales: Where to Find Advice

The easy answer toward the question of finding the answer is the internet. Yes, we all know that, but it is not an easy answer either. We are pressed for time, and as a writer I am constantly trying to improve my craft.
While I am a good beta reader, I am a terrible editor, and I know that. However,  the more I write I also learn to become better at spotting my mistakes. This kind of learning does not happen by itself and there are several resources available to help me, to become a better writer.
The vastness of the internet is overwhelming to many and while you might be adept at searching for just that fact, why not use what has already been identified as good resources?
I was browsing around on the website where I buy digital magazines and found the 2014 edition of the Writer's Yearbook from Writer's Digest. It was even available at a good price! ☺
Inside the magazine there is also a long list of websites and blogs that have been voted by writers as the best for the kind of information that we need.
Again the list may be a bit overwhelming, but pick three and check them out. Read the advice offered by the host and use that become a better writer/blogger.
Of course you can subscribe to them all, but again where to find the time! I made a copy of the list on my computer. While the host might appreciate it more if I subscribed, I simply don't have the time to read all that email. But keeping the list close, I have an invaluable resource at hand that I can use and share with my fellow writers.

How do you manage your online resources?

Wednesday 1 January 2014

New Year's Resolutions and all that

I am not one for new year's resolutions, but for this year I have decided to make an exception to that. While it is not so much something new, or revolutionary in my life, I am resolved to take better care with my time.

Sunday Monday Tuesday
Thursday Friday Saturday

As you can see, I do have a day job and it takes a lot of energy from me, but the time I do have control over, I feel needs to better taken care of.

I went so far as to make a list of the stories that I need to finish/write for 2014 for various projects and they will drive my daily activities list. For now I have to finish the editing on the 3rd book on the Third Gender series, and then I have to finish the second story for the Storm anthology of my writers' group.

Now there rests my problem: I am not writing as I should and the deadline is very close. So I joined the 31 day challenge of writing 500 words each day. It is an easy deadline to make and with the Facebook group support, it should be a snap. After all, I have completed three NaNoWriMo challenges, with a daily word count of three times that!

So if you feel the need to write, or finish your next book, why don't you take the 500 word challenge too and join today.

What are your challenges for 2014?

Thursday 26 December 2013

A little Christmas Naughtiness!


"What are you doing?"
Sighing Accolade opened one eyelid and glared at the elf. "Go away, I am busy."
Sandi planted his hands on his hips. "You have to get ready. By the time the sun sets Santa will be ready to leave."
She filled and drained the glass once again. “Damn, I need a bigger glass.”
Shrugging, she laid her head back on the chair. It was too much trouble to go and get a bigger one. "Not going," she replied.
The elf sputtered,stuttered and coughed at the same time. 
Accolade canted her head. "Amazing," she said. "How do you do that?"
For a moment she thought he was going to burst a vein, but he puffed his cheeks and stomped off.
"Alone at last," she uttered, raising the empty glass to his retreating figure.
Since she couldn't get drunk ever; trying to do so was a futile exercise. She would only end up feeling nauseous and itching all over; the mere thought of it made her skin itch.
Bored out of her skull, she contemplated taking a reindeer ride. Then again, that was what had caused the problem in the first place. Not that the reindeer actually pulled the sleigh through the air, it was all pure magic.
"Note to self: take reindeer rides on Christmas Eve off the to-do list."

Enjoy!  ♥ Linzé

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A-to-Z blog challenge: Step Z - it's finished!

Thank you for visiting my blog on the last day of the challenge. If you are an artist interested in taking part in a competition, there is s...