Friday, 5 April 2024

A-to-Z blog challenge: Step E - choosing the masterpiece (part 1: the artist)

 This competition has a theme, like most competitions do. And this year the theme is to take a painting from one of the masters and do it with an African theme. Or Baroque to braaivleis as the website says.

For my non-South African readers, braaivleis is Afrikaans for a BBQ, but it is the context that is relevant here, not the act of cooking, ie the theme is something (South) African. Weird, I know, but hey this is art, right?

This theme requires some out-of-the-box thinking, because the old masters painted their situations and their scenery ... think people, landscapes, and time period specific subjects. And there were many artists painting, or sculpting, in many styles. So where does one start?

For me it was “simple” - and I use those quote marks on purpose - because we have a lot of art books in the house. I just pulled out everything we have, and then spent some time with each artist and their work. Since I don't have formal art training, I was not familiar with some of the artists. But deciding on which piece, has to start with the artist. And it was difficult, because many of the art I saw appealed to me on both a visual and emotional level.

Let's say it was easier to decide which ones not to use, than finding which one to use. More about that next time.

Until tomorrow!

🇿🇦💜 Linzé

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