Thursday, 18 April 2024

A-to-Z blog challenge: Step P - action steps (part 3: painting the first layer of colour)

In the painting shown here, I painted the background first covering the whole surface with a buff titanium (tan) colour, starting in the middle and progressively making it darker toward the edges.
Oil on paper

Then came the large coloured areas of the wine, before adding the details of the highlights, shadows and glasses. This was done with oil paint on paper as a group project for my art group.

For the competition I will basically do the same. Paint the background first in the shades of colour I need from light to dark. I find it easier to go darker with a colour, so I always start with the lighter tones. If I paint over my outline, that is okay, since I keep my paper “stencil” until the painting is completely finished before disposing of it.

Large areas of other colours can also be painted. If there are contrasting colours, or complementary colours, I will wait until the first colour is dry before painting the second colour to prevent any muddy areas.

Until tomorrow!

🇿🇦💜 Linzé

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