Thursday 30 April 2020

A to Z Challenge: Day 26 - Z

Zucchini flower by Linzé

Not one of my favourite vegetables, but I have to say that I do like eating the flowers. But here is a gouache painting (using it like watercolour paint) on watercolour paper.
gouache painting of zucchini flower and leaves on watercolour paper, artist Linzé Brandon

And with this painting, I have to say goodbye to the #AtoZChallenge for 2020. I hope you enjoyed all the creative posts and that you will remember to pop around in future for more posts about my creative life and those of other authors and artists.

Until next time!

1 comment:

  1. Yes. I have the blog in my A to Z saved file for future visits also.

    Congratulations for successful A to Z Blogging.

    A to Z 2020 Blogging Series: What is Industrial Engineering? What is its Practice in Top Global Manufacturing Companies?

    What industrial engineers do? They continuously strive to reduce the cost of items that people love to use and thus increase its affordability to more and more people.


Thank you for visiting my blog today. For more updates about the #CreativeLife, follow me on Twitter @LinzeBrandon, and remember to subscribe for more stories about the things that inspire me.

A-to-Z blog challenge: Step Z - it's finished!

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