Thursday 1 March 2012

Surprise Visitors

While having coffee with friends today, the coffee shop where we like to meet had three surprise visitors today. These three lions cubs, two males and a female, are just seven weeks old and they stole our hearts right away.

They came to the city to visit their vet and while their owners had breakfast, these cuties were quietly crawling into our hearts. Used to human touch they let us pet them, and didn't mind the camera flashes too much.

They had just fed are were lazy only like a well-fed cat can be. But they did play around a while and then cuddled up again to do what baby animals do - sleep. They are cute now, but soon they will become the predator that earned its fearsome reputation for a reason. Enjoy, we did!

Sunday 26 February 2012

Pen, Paper and Stamps

When was the last time you penned a letter? A real, honest pen-to-paper letter. Stuck it in an envelope, added a stamp and mailed it to someone. For me it has been years. Literally. Until February came around in the form of A Month of Letters. How I came across the blog, I cannot remember, but I do remember the thrill of opening those first letters.

I registered late, and only in time to be going away for work, and to places with no internet access. But once I was back, I was like a kid with a new toy when those first letters appeared in my mailbox. Of course, I planned to write to my fellow contributors, but they were too fast for me. I had fun replying to the ones I did receive, and then penned a few more of my own.

The biggest problem I had - finding greeting cards to write on. And after a week of shopping still didn't find any. People simply do not write any more. Even postcards seemed to have been relegated to the malls at the airports. So paper and envelope it was.

I love my email, and do get many each day, but the letters (even from strangers) has a little something extra that just make them special. It was sent to me. Written specially for me. So go on, dust off that pen, dig out some paper and write someone a letter today. Who knows, you might make some new friends - just like I did.

Thursday 9 February 2012

Cover of Géra's Gift

Well, I got the final graphic design for Géra's Gift today. It took a few weeks, and some very amateurish drawing skills on may part to get poor Jana (the graphic artist) to interpret what was going on in my head.

And I have to say I like it. The background can serve as the cover for the next installment in the series. I will then only change the details for the specific novel - in this case the two shields on the front part of the cover.

The lettering still needs to be added, but I will leave that for a surprise - cannot have all the book's secrets revealed before publishing.

With the interior of the book also complete, it is now off to final layout, and then publication. It seemed so long ago when this process started, and now it is almost done. The suspense is killing me :-)

Sunday 29 January 2012

Book Covers and Write-ins

Sometimes it is still hard to think that Géra's Gift is almost ready for publication. I am just waiting for the cover design to be finished (I had some minor comments) and then it can be printed. Not just literally of course, as it will be an eBook too, but the butterflies are breeding in my stomach.

While I cannot wait, writing life goes on. Yesterday, I joined a few writer friends for a writing session at my favourite coffee shop. Now I know what John Scalzi wrote about notebooks and coffee shops (and the jury is still out on that one), but we had a great time. One friend wrote more than 3000 words, the other two were busy editing their manuscripts. I had to fix my computer first (need to check it before the next session) but still managed about 2200 words in the six hours.

We do take breaks, and chat and drink coffee, but the objective to write together seems to be working well. And the next session is hopefully going to be another great success. By that time I might claim to be published, and my friends might already be well on their way to saying the same thing.

This year has started on a very good note for the first Random House-Struik Writers Group of 2011.

Sunday 15 January 2012

Acrylics and Mosaics

Finally, I managed to finish this painting. It went well until I made a mess of the last two blocks that had to be painted. It took some fiddling to remove the splotches that I caused, but then how to finish it?

It took some hard thinking, until inspiration struck about two weeks ago - why not use tiny gold metallic mosaic tiles to finish what I couldn't seem to get right with paint?

I wasn't sure it would work, but the guy at the craft shop assured me that the tiles could be glued on over the acrylic paint, and he was right. Some hours, and lots of patient tiling later, the result was better than I had originally imagined.

Now it needs the final layer of preserving varnish, and off to the framers we go.

And to think the design was inspired by a piece of discarded packaging material that I saw lying next to the road.

A-to-Z blog challenge: Step Z - it's finished!

Thank you for visiting my blog on the last day of the challenge. If you are an artist interested in taking part in a competition, there is s...