Friday 22 April 2016

A to Z Blog Challenge: S
S is for Soupçon - noun. A very small quantity of something.

I am on a special diet and a soupçon of sweets can send my blood sugar off the deep end.

A first glance it looks like a lot of sugar, babe. Better be careful, ya hear?

Thursday 21 April 2016

A to Z Blog Challenge: R

R is for Repine - verb. To be unhappy or anxious.

Sheesh, I must already know all the happy words that these depressing ones are popping up in my search for words that I didn't know. It is enough to make one repine until doomsday.

See what the other bloggers are writing about here.

Wednesday 20 April 2016

A to Z Blog Challenge: Q

Q is for Quotidian - adjective. It means daily, and ordinary or everyday.

Nothing fancy, just your quotidian breakfast will suffice. Hmm...still think I should find a dress for that occasion.

Tuesday 19 April 2016

The Friendship Affair

Not all long lasting marriages are happy. But what do you do if divorce is not an option?
University friends, Stephanie and Nick, meet again after twenty years. But life has not been easy or simple for either of them. Will this friendship affair stand a chance against reality? 


Stephanie folded the towel and put it away. All done.
It was Saturday. The place was spotless, her closet was in perfect order, the groceries were bought and stored, and she was bored to tears.
Having finished the last book on her reading list, even there was no help forthcoming from that quarter.
She never did any work over the weekend, but right now she was tempted to dig out her computer to start working on one of her clients' accounts.
No. Then the week will be too long. Work was for getting through the week.
Her own little business was thriving enough that she could afford to hire help, but she was reluctant to do so. She didn't start the business to employ people, she did it for her own sanity and to generate enough money for her own expenses. She didn't want to touch the money from the sale of the business and the house for herself. All of that was only to look after him.
If he died before the money ran out, the trust was set up in such a way to help other families where the husband couldn't support them because he was suffering from Alzheimers.
She had met one such family and it was heartbreaking to know those children would never get to know their father.
She sighed. Still bored.
Her phone rang.
“Mrs. Jackson? It is nurse Stephens from St Agatha's. Mr. Jackson is asking if you have a chance to come and visit him today?”
She blinked. “Really? He did?”
The nurse laughed softly. “He did indeed.”
Her voice became serious. “Ma'am, if I may? It would really be a good time to come if you want to see your husband.”
“Of course. I understand. I am on my way.”
She rang off quickly and rushed to find her purse and car keys.
On the way, she wondered why he made the request. Even when he had good days before, he had never specifically asked her to come.

Catch the earlier chapters on Wattpad

A to Z Blog Challenge: P

P is for Polyglot - adjective. Knowing or using several languages.

I live in South Africa, a country with eleven official languages. 

I speak Afrikaans and English and have some knowledge about two of the African languages. Using two or more languages in this country is nothing unique; we are truly a polyglot nation.

Monday 18 April 2016

A to Z Blog Challenge: O
O is for Oubliette - noun. A secret dungeon with access only through a trapdoor in its ceiling.

Now the fun really starts. What shall we find upon closer inspection? A gold treasure? A dragon? A secret society of magicians cooking up recipes of orgasmic proportions?

What will we discover behind that green door? 🔐

A-to-Z blog challenge: Step Z - it's finished!

Thank you for visiting my blog on the last day of the challenge. If you are an artist interested in taking part in a competition, there is s...