Monday 17 April 2017

Live in Balance: A to Z Challenge - N is for...

plate of sushi
My favourite food 💜
It is one of the more popular journals that many people start off with, a diet journal. You are supposed to note everything that you eat and drink during the day to spot where you are going wrong or to count the calories of your diet.
It can be successful to help you recognise where you are cheating if you are following a specific diet regime.
While this probably worked for many people, it didn't work for me. It was a disappointment when I realised that just making a list of what I consumed, wasn't helping me at all. I needed to figure out what I did wrong, but not just what I ate, but my behaviour and emotions, at the time.
You may already know that diets fail because they are temporary. As soon as you return to your 'normal' way of eating, you often regain the weight lost, and in many cases more than where you started from.
So if a diet journal wasn't the answer, how could keeping a food journal actually be of some benefit?
Food vs Feelings
When we write in our journals we note our feelings and thoughts, so why should those be excluded when we keep a food journal? Is our food behaviour not often linked to our emotional states?
Linzé Brandon, Live in Balance, Goals 2017, online journal, #atozchallengeDo you eat when you are sad? Or bored? Or lonely? Or depressed? Or happy?
Instead of just writing down a list of all the food and drink you consumed during the day, also note the circumstances when you did. Also, note the way you felt before and after eating or drinking.
Did you eat because you were hungry, or should you rather have had a glass of water? We often confuse thirst with hunger, and then eating something won't help if you are getting dehydrated.
By making these notes I realised that I was getting headaches more often than usual. I drank more water and the headaches went away, until I actually had a real headache, then drinking water alone didn't solve the pain without a painkiller.
I am not going to tell you how I adjusted my lifestyle when it comes to food because it works for me. It addresses my issues in terms of food and my physical and emotional needs.
You need to resolve this for yourself. Keep a food journal for two or three weeks, and note your feelings and other circumstances at the same time.
Fix your own food issues
Only after the allocated time is past, do you go back and analyse what you have written. If you eat when you are depressed, you might need to consult someone who is way smarter than I am about these things. Or a dietician, or perhaps a friend can help.
If you are bored, get a hobby. They are not just fun, but creative activities will also help you in your journey to happiness, and you might lose a few pounds in the process.
Food is closely linked to our emotional state of mind, and we need to make sure that our health is always a primary concern, even if you are satisfied with your body weight.
Whatever you find and decide, make sure it is the best, most healthy solution for you. Keep noting your progress in your journal - living a healthy life is a lifetime journey after all.

Sunday 16 April 2017

Live in Balance: On leave, on veggies, and ongoing stuff

Linzé Brandon, Live in Balance, Goals 2017, online journal
My leave finally got underway before Easter weekend and I have been merrily typing away at both blog posts for the Challenge and a new story I. It is going so well, that I will achieve my word count target for Camp NaNoWriMo at the middle of the month.

Hydroponics Project

Like many of you I love fresh vegetables. I have a vegetable garden, or rather had one, but have not been planting anything for a few years purely because of the time needed to look after a garden like that.
So to ease some of the burden of weeding (and the strain on my back) I have been researching the practicalities of setting up a hydroponics system for growing our own veggies again. I have now reached the point where I am busy buying the pipes and fittings, the planting pots and the water reservoir to get things going.
I have drafted Francois to help with the stands that support the system since my welding skills are way too rusty to attempt to do it myself. We went out shopping this weekend so I can order what I need and have it delivered while I am at home this coming week.
The only thing that I need to research some more is the pump I need. I have a submersible pump, but I think it is too small for the size of my project. While out shopping I saw quite a number of pumps, but I need to know what size I need before I let myself be talked into buying the wrong thing.

My Goals for 2017 are ongoing

A colleague of mine mentioned that she too was going on a diet. After about a week she had lost weight and mentioned that it wasn't easy. I agreed with her because I am on that same journey.
You will of course, understand my trepidation about getting on the scale yesterday morning, if I tell you that I went on a chocolate binge this past Thursday. Putting it off wasn't going to change the outcome, so eventually I got on and nearly fell off - nothing. I gained nothing. This could only mean that I lost some weight during the week, but clearly regained it on Thursday. Really stupid of me, I know. I could have had a chocolate, and still lost some weight if it hadn't been for the bingeing idiocy.
What did bother me more was the stress I put on my pancreas as a result of all that sugar. As someone that has to look after her blood sugar levels, I acted incredibly irresponsibly. While I hope the damage wasn't bad, I am suffering the aftereffects of all that sugar - my sleeping patterns have changed. It will take a few days and a good healthy diet, to get back to normal. And normal is what I need to work on the creative projects I want to do while on leave from work.
Balance is the key, not depriving myself of a sweet. I am losing weight, I shouldn't compromise my health by being stupid.

Reading and moving

About two weeks ago I volunteered to be an advanced reader for a book being released on Tuesday this coming week. I read the book and wrote my review and now it is back to my research books for the blog challenge.
In recent times I often find myself unable to sit still. Sure my back complains if I remain in one position for too long, but this is something else. Then it hit me: Tai Chi. I have been lax in my daily practice, so that too is priority for the week ahead. I love learning the 40 forms, but will have to go back a lesson or so, so refresh my memory before carrying on with the next lesson.
Lots of things to do, but looking forward to the days of relaxing with my art and writing projects.
Until next week!

The A-to-Z Challenge letters for the coming week are as follows:
Monday: Letter N…for Nutrition
Tuesday: Letter O…for Open (prompt)
Wednesday: Letter P…for Physical
Thursday: Letter Q…for Quote (prompt)
Friday: Letter R…for Ramble
Saturday: Letter S…for Share
If you missed any of the previous letters, here is a quick recap (just click the letter!)
A   B   C   D   E   F   G  H  I  J  K  L  M

Saturday 15 April 2017

Live in Balance: A to Z Challenge - M is for...

M is for...Music

Linzé Brandon, Live in Balance, Goals 2017, online journal, #atozchallenge
While doing research about happiness and the journey towards that state, I read about the need for silence. You can read more about that in the post on the letter E (click here).
What I did learn though was that many people, mostly the younger generation, wants to drown out the noise around them by playing their music loud. And I mean LOUD!
If you are a parent of a tween or teenager, you are probably nodding your head in exasperation right now. What is frightening though is the high levels of sound pressure these young people are injecting into their ear canals with their iPods and earphones. Be prepared, they will be deaf or hard of hearing, long before you, their parents.
Apparently telling them that, has the exact opposite effect - they just turn the music volume up higher.

On my sound...

Once I read about how our ears function, and the risks we are exposed to, I downloaded an app for my smartphone to measure the sound levels in my own environment. I am happy to report that they were lower than I thought. This also made me aware of the volume of my own music. Yes, I am not that young anymore, but I prefer to have my hearing still intact for years to come, so I toned down the volume of the sounds I can control, including listening to the music that I enjoy.
In my work environment, I sometimes get exposed to the firing of weapons, and on that I have to say we are diligent in wearing our hearing protection. And that is definitely a good thing since I have suffered almost no hearing loss as a result (our medical check-ups include hearing tests) of that.
You might think I don't care for the kind of music with a loud beat when in fact, I am a fan of hard rock, heavy metal, rock, pop, blues, jazz, contemporary and classical music. So yeah, I did need to lower the volume on my enjoyment of music in both my car and my iPod.
Enjoy your music, but think ahead a few years to when you still might want to hear the harmonies of your favourite songs float into your ears.

Two of my favourite songs right now (YouTube links): Second-hand heart and Sound of silence.

Friday 14 April 2017

Live in Balance: A to Z Challenge - L is for...

L is for...Life

Linzé Brandon, Live in Balance, tree, drawing, #atozchallenge
Close up: Tree of life drawing on handmade paper
Today's journal entry has an art element again. Please have a look at the pictures below for you to create your own - no video clips this time, I promise.
Why life? Why not something mundane like lists or leopards or logs? Hey, this is a journal series about the journey to happiness, and life plays a big part in that, don't you agree?

Tree of life

I chose to do a drawing of a tree because they are some, if not the, longest living entities on our planet. The African baobab tree, for example, can grow to be hundreds of years old.
There are tales about trees (see the story here about the spirit of the Knob Thorn Tree) and even more tales, I think, that trees could tell about us. About the things they have observed and been exposed to.
Perhaps it is lucky then, that our communication with these living giants is limited to the appreciation of their beauty. Mainly since I think that their tales would be sad and filled with tragedy and destruction of all they had observed of the human race.

Life of your the moment

But our objective is to find happiness, instead of focusing on the negative. For today your challenge is to find the happiness in your life and the life of your happiness.
  • Note the date and time of your entry.
  • Note the place where you are and the state of your health.
  • Then take a few moments to observe your surroundings.
  • What in your immediate environment makes you happy to be there? Note your feelings on your observations and your life as it is in this moment.
Our lives are not nearly as long as that of some trees, so we need to make the most of every moment that we have.

My drawing with ink and Lyra Brush pens on handmade paper. You are welcome to copy my design if you like, or do your own. Size is about 8.5 cm in diameter because it was the size of the container's cap I used to draw the circle.
I tore the paper (using the edge of an old CD since it was a little larger) instead of cutting it out with a pair of scissors. I wanted to keep the rugged edge feel of the handmade paper. Then I glued it into my journal with acid-free glue before writing the words for the entry.

Thursday 13 April 2017

Live in Balance: A to Z Challenge - K is for...

K is for...Knobs, knuckles, and knitting
Linzé Brandon, coloured pens
Journal writing doesn't always have to be about a serious or painful topic, it can also be about something that makes you happy.
What makes you happy?
In my research for this blog series, I came across many topics, but one that definitely made me smile is all the crafts and hobbies that people indulge in. Indulgence it is, isn't it? Hours of playing with paper, or clay, or wood, or fabrics. They say that giving is supposed to make you happier than receiving. Well, I am not always so sure about that, with one exception: giving something you made yourself for someone specific.
I love that. The making of the gift, the wrapping and then the joy on the person's face when they get something for them alone. Something unique, made by someone who cares enough to understand their personality or desires. A friend, or family member, or even a colleague.
I have noticed that people cherished those gifts more than anything else. I am sure you have received such a gift and no matter how long ago that was, you can still recall the occasion and the person who gave it you with significant detail.
Isn't that a happy memory?
Linzé Brandon, cross-stitch, craft, #atozchallenge
Cross-stitch project by Linzé
Indulge today in the pleasure you receive from the hours you spend with your hobby. Even if it's not the kind of hobby that lends itself to gift giving, you still derive a great amount of happiness from it.
Spend a few minutes with your journal to note your hobby (or pastime) and how you feel while doing what you love. Do you want to spend more time doing it? Where can you pinch a few minutes every day, or an extra hour every week to indulge in creating a few hours of happiness for yourself?
Our topic is about happiness after all. Writing about it will also help you understand the pleasure you derive from a hobby, but also the happiness you feel when a project is complete.
Enjoy your hobby, you might be surprised to learn that it is also good for you!
Some of the articles I found that you might like to read too.

A-to-Z blog challenge: Step Z - it's finished!

Thank you for visiting my blog on the last day of the challenge. If you are an artist interested in taking part in a competition, there is s...