Monday 26 April 2021

The #CreativeLife 2021 A to Z Blog Challenge: V is for...


Value in art is the lightness or darkness of a colour. It is the differences in value (contrast) that helps us to perceive a drawing or painting as lifelike or three dimensional.

Pretty nifty technique in the artist's arsenal don't you think? 😁

Hatching and shading to show value changes with a Mars Lumograph Black 4B pencil on white paper, artist Linzé Brandon
Hatching and shading to show value changes
with a Staedtler Mars Lumograph Black 4B pencil

Comments are most welcome on Twitter, thank you for visiting my blog today.

Until Monday!

💛 Linzé 


A-to-Z blog challenge: Step Q - action steps (part 4: preparing mixed media elements)

  Slapping paint on a panel is fun, but adding non-traditional mixed media elements allows me to really let the creative juices flow. Becaus...