Friday 2 April 2021

The #CreativeLife 2021 A to Z Blog Challenge: B is for...

 Brush care

While it's fun to paint with all kinds of mediums, we should not forget to take good care of the brushes after we finished. Most mediums, like watercolour and acrylics, are water-based so it takes only a few minutes to clean them.

Oil-based mediums will require a solvent, but it is still a good idea to clean the brushes as soon as possible to ensure the quality of the bristles.

It does not require expensive brushes to produce a painting, but not taking care of them will be a waste of money.

Using ink with a paintbrush can be a particular pain since the ink will not only stain the bristles but can also cause damage if the ink becomes dry. If you paint with ink, like I sometimes do, it is a good idea to have a brush or two specifically for use with ink and to rinse it really well after use.

Comments are most welcome on Twitter, thank you for visiting my blog today.

💙 Linzé 

A-to-Z blog challenge: Step W - action steps (part 7: the last decision)

  The last decision is sometimes the most difficult to make for many artists. I am no different. And that is the decision to stop fiddling. ...